Інститут теоретичної фізики ім. М.М. Боголюбова
Національної академії наук України

Відділ Синергетики
Монографії, статті в журналах, інші публікації
  1. Б.І. Лев. Формування структур в рідкокристалічних колоїдах, Київ, Інститут теоретичної фізики ім. М.М. Боголюбова, 2015, 198 с.
  2. K.V. Grigorishin, B.I. Lev. Toy model of high themperature supercondactivity, Low Temperature Physics/Fizika Nizkikh Temperatur, 41, 482-485 (2015)
  3. B.I. Lev, V.P. Ostroukh, V.B. Tymchysgyn, A.G. Zagorodny. Electron distribution on a deformed liquid-helium surface. Ukr. J. Phys., 60, N 3, 247-252 (2015).
  4. O.M. Tovkach, S.B. Chernyshuk and B.I. Lev. Colloidal interactions in a homeotropic nematic cell with different elastic constants, Phys. Rev. E. Vol. 92, P. 042505. (2015)
  5. Grytsay V.I. Lyapunov Indices and the Poincare Mapping in a Study of the Stability of the Krebs Cycle, УФЖ, 2015, т. 60, № 6, с. 564-577.
  6. Grytsay V.I. Self-organization and Fractality in the Metabolic Process of Glycolysis, УФЖ, 2015, т. 60, № 12, с. 1253-1265.
  7. V. Grytsay. Self-organization and fractality created by gluconeogenesis in the metabolic process, Chaotic Modeling and Simulation (CMSIM), 2015
  8. A.K. Vidybida. Activity of Excitatory Neuron with Delayed Feedback Stimulated with Poisson Stream is Non-Markov. J. Stat. Phys. (2015) 160:1507-1518, DOI 10.1007/s10955-015-1301-2.
  9. A.K. Vidybida. Relation Between Firing Statistics of Spiking Neuron with Instantaneous Feedback and Without Feedback. Fluctuation and Noise Letters Vol. 14, No. 4 (2015) 1550034 (7 pages), DOI: 10.1142/S0219477515500340.
  10. Constantin V. Usenko, Security of direct communication quantum channel with feedback. International Journal of Quantum InformationVol. 13, No. 08, 1550062 (2015) https://doi.org/10.1142/S0219749915500628
Монографії, статті в журналах, інші публікації
  1. B.I. Lev, V.P. Ostroukh, V.B. Tymchyshyn, A.G. Zagorodny. Statistical description of the system electrons on the liquid helium surface. Europ. Phys. J. B 87, 1-13, 2014.
  2. S.B. Chernyshuk, O.M. Tovkach and B.I. Lev. Surface-induced structures in nematic liquid crystal colloids Phys.Rev. E 90, 020502(R) (2014)
  3. S.B. Chernyshuk, O.M. Tovkach and B.I. Lev. Elastic octopoles and colloidal structures in nematic liquid crystals Phys. Rev.E 89, 032505 (2014)
  4. B.I. Lev, Jun-ichi Fukuda, O.M. Tovkach and S.B. Chernyshuk. Interaction of small spherical particles in con?ned cholesteric liquid crystals, Phys. Rev. E 89, 012509 (2014)
  5. M.V. Kozachok and B.I. Lev. Stokes drag of spherical particle in a nematic environment at weak anchoring Condensed Matter Physics, 13, 53 (2014)
  6. Григоришин К.В. Автолокалізовані стани надлишкового електрона в іонному кластері, УФЖ, 2014, т.59, №1, с. 58-68.
  7. K.V. Grigorishin. Theory of s-wave supercunductor containing impurities with regarded interaction with quasiparticles, Physica Scripta, 2014, v.89, p.115809
  8. Won Sang Chung, A.M. Gavrilik, I.I. Kachurik, A.P. Rebesh. Symmetric Tamm-Dancoff q-oscillator: representation, quasi-Fibonacci nature, accidental degeneracy and coherent states, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 47, 2014, 305304.
  9. V. Grytsay, I.V. Musatenko. Self-Organization and Chaos in the Metabolism of a Cell, Biopolymers and Cell, 2014, Vol. 30, No. 5, p. 404-409.
  10. V. Grytsay, I. Musatenko. Nonlinear Self-organization Dynamics of a Metabolic Process of the Krebs Cycle, Chaotic Modeling and Simulation (CMSIM), 2014, Vol. 3, p. 207-220.
  11. K.G. Kravchuk, A.K. Vidybida. Non-Markovian spiking statistics of a neuron with delayed feedback in presence of refractoriness. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering (American Institute of Mathematical Sciences), 2014, 11(1), 81-104. http://dx.doi.org/10.3934/mbe.2014.11.81
  12. A.K. Vidybida. Binding Neuron. In: Mehdi Khosrow-Pour (ed). Encyclopedia of information science and technology, Third Edition, IGI Global, Hershey PA, 2014, pp. 1123-1134. http://dx.doi.org/10.4018/978-1-4666-5888-2.ch107
  13. О.К. Відибіда. Вихідний потік інтегруючого нейрона з втратами. ДАН України, 2014, № 12, стор. 18-23.
  14. L. Ruppert, V. C. Usenko and R. Filip. Long-distance continuous-variable quantum key distribution with efficient channel estimation, Phys. Rev. A 90, 062310 (2014)
Монографії, статті в журналах, інші публікації
  1. B.I. Lev. Cellular structure in condensed matterMod. Phys. Lett. B., 27, 1330020 (2013)
  2. B.I. Lev, A.G. Zagorodny. Pattern formation in the models with coupling between order parameter and its gradient. Europhys. J., B 86 (10), 1-7, 2013.
  3. O.M. Tovkach, Jun-ichi Fukuda and B.I. Lev. Peculiarity of theinteraction of small particles in smectic liquid crystals. Phys. Rev. E, 88, 061702 (2013)
  4. K.V. Grigorishin and B.I. Lev. Effect of impurities with retarded interaction with quasiparticles upon critical temperature of s-wave superconductor Physica C 495 (2013) 174-181
  5. K.V. Grigorishin and B.I. Lev. Nonlocal Free Energy of a Spatially Inhomogeneous Superconductor Commun. Theor. Phys. 57 (2012) 879-892
  6. T. Turiv, I. Lazo, O. Brodyn, B.І. Lev, V Reiffenrath, V.G. Nazarenko, and O.D. Lavrentovych. Effect of collective molecular reorientation on Brownian motion of colloids in nematic liquid crystal. Science, 342, 13 Dezember, 1351-1354 (2013)
  7. B.I. Lev. Non-equilibrium distribution function in energetic representation. Eur. Phys.J. ST, 216, 37-48 (2013)
  8. A.K. Vidybida, K.G. Kravchuk. Firing statistics of inhibitory neuron with delayed feedback.Output ISI probability density, BioSystems (Elsevier), 2013, № 112(3), 224-232.
  9. K.G. Kravchuk, A.K. Vidybida. Firing statistics of inhibitory neuron with delayed feedback. Non-Markovian behavior, BioSystems (Elsevier), 2013, № 112(3), 233-248.
  10. A.K. Vidybida, K.G. Kravchuk. Delayed feedback makes neuronal firing statistics non-markovian, Ukrainian Mathematical Journal (Springer), 2013, № 64(12), 1793-1815.
  11. A.K. Vidybida, K.G. Kravchuk. Spiking statistics of excitatory neuron with feedback. International Journal of Organizational and Collective Intelligence, (IGI Global), 2012, № 3(2), 1-42.
  12. V.I. Grytsay, I.V. Musatenko. The Structure of a Chaos of Strange Attractors within a Mathematical Model of the Metabolism of a Cell, Ukr. J. Phys., 2013, Vol. 58, N 7, P. 677-686.
  13. V.I. Grytsay, I.V. Musatenko. Self-Oscillatory Dynamics of the Metabolic Process in a Cell, Український біохімічний журнал, 2013, т. 85, № 2, С. 93-104.
  14. V.I. Grytsay, I.V. Musatenko. Self-Organization and Fractality in a Metabolic Process of the Krebs Cycle, Український біохімічний журнал, 2013, т. 85, № 5, С. 191-200.
  15. V. Usenko and R. Filip. Towards continuous-variable quantum key distribution in atmospheric channels, SPIE Security+Defense, 8899-34 (2013)
  16. Constantin V Usenko Entanglement and Complexity of Measurement, 2013 J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 442 012061 DOI 10.1088/1742-6596/442/1/012061
  1. B.I. Lev. The ground state and the character of the interaction between a colloidl particles in a liquid crystals arXiv: 1311.1878v1 [cond-mat.soft] 8 Nov 2013.
  2. K.V. Grigorishin, B.I. Lev. Efect of impurities with retarded interaction with quasiparticles upon critical temperature of s-wave superconductor. arXiv: 1304. 0113[cond-mat. sup-con.] 6 Sep. 2013.
  3. B.I. Lev, V.P. Ostroukh, V.B. Tymchyshyn, and A.G. Zagorodny. The statistical description of the electron system on the liquid helium surface. arXiv: 1308. 3852[cond-mat.stat.-mech] 18 Aug.. 2013.
  4. S.B. Chernyshuk, O.M. Tovkach and B.I. Lev. Elastic octopoles and colloidal structures in nematic liquid crystals. arXiv: 1308. 3852[cond-mat.soft ] 14 May. 2013.
  5. S.B. Chernyshuk, O.M. Tovkach and B.I. Lev. Monopol interaction in nematic liquid crystal colloids. arXiv: 1311. 3852[cond-mat.soft ] 14 Nov. 2013.
Доповіді на конференціях та семінарах
  1. V.C. Usenko and R. Filip. Beyond Shannon information in quantum communication, Neural Coding: Information Beyond Shannon, Prague (Czech Republic), July 3-4 2013
  2. V.C. Usenko. Towards continuous-variable quantum key distribution in atmospheric channels, SPIE Security+Defence: Quantum-Physics-Based Information Security, Dresden (Germany), September 24-27 2013
Монографії, статті в журналах, інші публікації
  1. Grigorishin K.V., Lev B.I. Nonlocal free energy of a spatially inhomogeneous superconductor. // Commun. Theor. Phys. - 2012. - Vol. 57, - P. 879-892.
  2. S. Madsen, V.C. Usenko, M. Lassen, R. Filip, U.L. Andersen, Continuous variable quantum key distribution with modulated entangled states, Nature Communications, 3, 1083 (2012)
  3. V. Usenko, B. Heim, Ch. Peuntinger, Ch. Wittmann, Ch. Marquardt, G. Leuchs and R. Filip, Entanglement of Gaussian states and the applicability to quantum key distribution over fading channels, New J. Phys. 14, 093048 (2012).
  4. D.Yu. Vasylyev, A.A. Semenov, and W. Vogel. Toward Global Quantum Communication: Beam Wandering Preserves Nonclassicality, Phys. Rev. Lett., 2012, 108, 220501.
  5. A.A. Semenov, F. Toeppel, D.Yu. Vasylyev, H.V. Gomonay, and W. Vogel. Homodyne detection for atmosphere channels, Phys. Rev. A, 2012, 85, 013826.
  6. S.B. Chernyshuk, O.N. Tovkach and B.I. Lev. Theory of elastic interaction between colloidal particles in a nematic cell in the presence of an external electric or magnetic field. Phys.Rev.E, 85, 011704, (2012).
  7. S.B. Chernyshuk, O.N. Tovkach and B.I. Lev. Theory of elastic interaction between arbitrary colloidal particles in confined nematic liquid crystals. Phys.Rev.E, 86 061701, (2012).
  8. B.I. Lev Wave Function as Geometric EntityJournal of Modern Physics, 2012, 3, (2012).
  9. K.G. Kravchuk, A.K. Vidybida. Delayed feedback causes non-Markovian behavior of neuronal firing statistics. Український Математичний Журнал (No 12, 2012).
  10. Ю.І. Посудін, В.Й. Грицай, Біофізика водного середовища: Навчальний посібник (перевидано). - К.:, 2012. - 127с.
  11. V.I. Grytsay, I.V. Musatenko, Self-Oscillatory Dynamics of the Metabolic Process in a Cell Arthrobacter Globiformis, Journal of Physical Science and Application, 2012, 14 p.
  12. V.I. Grytsay, I.V. Musatenko, Self-Oscillatory Dynamics of the Metabolic Process in a Cell, The Ukrainian Biochemical Journal, 17 с. (2012).
  13. V.I. Grytsay, I.V. Musatenko, Nonlinear Dynamics of the Metabolic Process in Cells, Ukr. J. Phys., 12 p (2012).
  14. Usenko, C.V. Quantum cryptography with direct coding of the bi-photon light. J Russ Laser Res 33, 283–292 (2012). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10946-012-9283-x
  1. K.G. Kravchuk, A.K. Vidybida. Output stream of inhibitory neuron with delayed feedback is non-Markovian. arXiv:1210.3229
  2. B.I. Lev, A.G. Zagorodny. Unification of the standard and gradient theories of phase transition Subjects: Statistical Mechanics (cond-mat.stat-mech), arXiv:1206.4559.
  3. B.I. Lev and A.G. Zagorodny, Model of phase transitions with coupling of the order parameter and its gradient. arXiv: 1211.5687
Монографії, статті в журналах, інші публікації
  1. Ю. Посудін, В. Грицай. Біофізика водного середовища, Київ, НУБіП України, 2011. - 126 с. (Навчальний посібник. Рекомендовано Міністерством освіти і науки України для студентів вищих навчальних закладів).
  2. K.V. Grigorishin and B.I. Lev. The self-consistent microscopic model of an energy spectrum of a superfluity 4He with the Hermitian form of Bogoliubov-Zubarev Hamiltonian Ukr. J. Phys. vol. 56, №11, pp. 1183-1198 (2011)
  3. V.C. Usenko and R. Filip, Squeezed-state quantum key distribution upon imperfect reconciliation, New J. Phys. 13, 113007 (2011)
  4. Lev B.I., Tymchyshyn V.B., Zagorodny A.G. Influence of charging current fluctuations on the grain velocity distribution in weakly-ionized plasmas. Phys. Letters. A, 2011, 375, Issue 3, p. 593-597
  5. B.I. Lev. Nonequilibrium self-gravitating system. International Journal of Modern Physics B, 25, 16, 2237, (2011)
  6. S.B. Chernyshuk and B.I. Lev. Theory of elastic interaction of colloidal particles in nematic liquid crystals near one wall and in the nematic cell. Phys. Rev. E, 84, 011707, (2011)
  7. B.I. Lev, and A.G. Zagorodny. To the Statistical Description of the Structure Formation in Coulomb-like Systems, Ukr. J. Phys. vol. 56, №7, pp. 700, (2011)
  8. B.I. Lev, A.G. Zagorodny. Statistical description of Coulomb-like systems Phys. Rev. E 2011, 84, 061115.
  9. A.A. Semenov and W. Vogel, Fake violations of the quantum Bell-parameter bound, Phys. Rev. A 83, 032119 (2011).
  10. Usenko, C.V. Theory of measurement of entangled states. Opt. Spectrosc. 111, 678–684 (2011). https://doi.org/10.1134/S0030400X11110312
  1. Grigorishin K.V., Lеv B.I., Microscopic theory of phase transitions and nonlocal corrections for free energy of a superconductor // arXiv:1109.3677v1 [cond-mat.stat-mech] (2011)
  2. Grigorishin K.V., Lev B.I., Nonlocal free energy of a spatially inhomogeneous superconductor // arXiv:1110.6548v1 [cond-mat.supr-con] (2011)
Доповіді на конференціях та семінарах
  1. V.C. Usenko, Noise and Information in the Quantum-Optical Communications, Optics and High Technology Material Science, Kiev, Ukraine, October 27-30, 2011
  2. V.C. Usenko and R. Filip, How classical correlations improve the continuous-variable quantum key distribution, Correlation Optics, Chernivtsi, Ukraine, September 12-16, 2011
  3. В.К. Усенко, Р. Филип, Сжатые состояния с шумом в квантовой криптографии на основе непрерывных переменных, Седьмой семинар памяти Д.Н.Клышко, Moscow, Russia, May 25-27, 2011
Монографії, статті в журналах, інші публікації
  1. S.B. Chernyshuk and B.I. Lev Elastic interaction between colloidal particles in confined nematic liquid crystal, Phys. Rev. E, 81, 041701 (2010)
  2. B.I. Lev and A.D. Kiselev. Energetic representation for nonequilibrium Brownian-like system: seady states and fluctuation relation, Phys. Rev. E, 82, 031102 (2010)
  3. A. Brodyn, A. Nych, U. Ognysta, B. Lev, V. Nazarenko, M. Skarabot and I. Musevich. Melting of 2D liquid crystal colloidal structure. Condensed Matter Physics, v.13, 33601 (2010)
  4. B.I. Lev. Brownian motion as model of the evolution of a non-equilibrium system. Journal of Physical Studies, v.13, 4705 (2010)
  5. V.C. Usenko and R. Filip. Feasibility of continuous-variable quantum key distribution with noisy coherent states, Phys. Rev. A 81, 022318 (2010)
  6. V.C. Usenko and M.G.A. Paris, Quantum communication with photon-number entangled states and realistic photodetection, Phys. Lett. A 374, 1342345 (2010)
  7. V.C. Usenko and R. Filip, Tolerance of continuous variables quantum key distribution to the noise in state preparation, Optics and Spectroscopy Vol. 108 No. 3, 331-335 (2010)
  8. A A. Semenov and W. Vogel. Entanglement Transfer through the Turbulent Atmosphere, Phys. Rev. A 81, 023835. (2010)
  9. A.K. Vidybida, K.G. Kravchuk. Output stream of binding neuron with feedback. Chapter in the book Knowledge-based Intelligent System Advancements: Systemic and Cybernetic Approaches, IGI Global (USA), Chapter 10, pp. 182-215 (2010)
  10. V.I. Grytsay. Structural Instability of Biochemical Process, УФЖ, 2010, №5, 599-606 c.
  11. D. Vasylyev, W. Vogel, K. Henneberger, and F. Richter. Propagation of quantized light through bounded dispersive and absorptive media, Phys. Sc., 2010, T140, с. 014039.
  12. Cherkashyna, N.O., Usenko, C.V. Evaluation of entanglement of CV-pair. Opt. Spectrosc. 108, 220–224 (2010). https://doi.org/10.1134/S0030400X10020104
  1. A.A. Semenov and W. Vogel. Fake Violations of Quantum Physics, arXiv:1004.3700 [quant-ph]