Інститут теоретичної фізики ім. М.М. Боголюбова
Національної академії наук України

Відділ Обчислювальних методів теоретичної фізики
Монографії, статті в журналах, інші публікації
  1. Поліщук А.П., Бордюг Г.Б., Кручинін С.П., Сліпухіна І.А. Вступ до квантової та атомної фізики. Навчальний посібник, НАУ, 2015, 240 c.
  2. T.Yu. Nikolaienko and E.S. Kryachko. Formation of Dimers of Light Noble Atoms under Encapsulation within Fullerene's Voids. Nanoscale Res. Lett. 10, No.1, pp. 185-1-185-9 (2015).
  3. T.Yu. Nikolaienko and E.S. Kryachko. He2@C60 : Thoughts of the Concept of a Molecule and of the Concept of Bond in Quantum Chemistry. Int. J. Quantum Chem. 115, No.14, pp. 859-867 (2015).
  4. E.S. Kryachko and T.Yu. Nikolaenko. Formation of Noble-Gas Dimers Within Fullerene's Confinement. J. Material Sci. Eng. 4, No.3 (2015).
  5. E.S. Kryachko. On N-Representability Problem in Density Functional Theory. J. Material Sci. Eng. 4, No.3 (2015).
  6. V.N. Ermakov, S.P. Kruchinin, T. Prushke, J.K. Freerics. Thermoelectricity in tunneling nanostructures. Phys.Rev. B 92, 155431 (2015)
  7. Soldatov A.V., Bogolyubov N.N. Jr., Kruchinin S.P. Theory of quantum dots in external magnetic field. Quantum Matter, 4, 352-357 (2015).
  8. Kruchinin S. Kondo effect in superconducting nanoparticles. Quantum Matter, 4, 373-377 (2015).
  9. Kruchinin S. Richardson solution for superconductivity in ultrasmall grains. Quantum Matter 4, 378-383 (2015).
Монографії, статті в журналах, інші публікації
  1. Джежеря Ю.І., Решетняк С.О., Кручинін С.П. Теорія поля. Розв'язання задач. Навчальний посібник, вид-во НАУ, 2014, 160c.
  2. E.S. Kryachko and E.V. Ludena. Density Functional Theory: Foundations Reviewed, Phys. Rep. 2014, 544, 123-239.
  3. Є.С. Крячко, Є.Ю. Ремета. Теорія функціоналу густини в атомній фізиці, УФЖ, 2014, 132с.
  4. E.S. Kryachko. Foreword, Quantum Nanochemistry, Vol. I, Quantum Theory & Observability, Apple Academics Press, N. Y., 2014.
  5. Kruchinin S., Pruschke T. Thermopower for a molecule with vibrational degrees of freedom. Phys. Lett. A, 378, 2014, 157-161.
  6. Kruchinin S., Zolotovsky A., Kim H. Andreev state in hybrid superconducting nanowires. Quantum Matter, 2014, 3, 61-64.
  7. Kruchinin S.P. Physics of high-Tc superconductors, Review in Theoretical Physics, 2014, 2, 124- 145.
  8. Kruchinin S. Richardson solution for superconductivity in ultrasmall grains. Quantum Matter, 3, 2015, 1-6.
  9. Soldatov A.V., Bogolyubov N.N., Jr., Kruchinin S.P. On the energy spectrum of two-electron quantum dot in external magnetic field. Nanotechnology in security systems, Springer, 2014, 55-67.
  10. A.O. Goushcha, T.O. Hushcha, L.N. Christophorov, M. Goldsby. Self-Organization and Coherency in Biology and Medicine. O. J. Biophys. 2014, 4, 119-146.
  11. L.N. Christophorov. Proteins as nanomachines: Hysteretic enzymes revisited. Nanocomposites, Nanophotonics, Nanobiotechnology and Applications, Springer, 2014, 156, Ch. 19, 223-232.
  12. O.V. Galchynsky, N.V. Gloskovskaya, L.I. Yarytska. Deep acceptor trapping centers in CdI2-PbI2 crystal system, Functional materials, 2014, 21, 243-246.
Монографії, статті в журналах, інші публікації
  1. L.N. Christophorov, V.N. Kharkyanen, N.М. Berezetskaya. Molecular self-organization: A single molecule aspect. Chem. Phys. Lett. 583, 170-174 (2013).
  2. I.M. Bolesta, N.V. Gloskovskaya, M.R. Panasyuk, I.N. Rovetskii, L.I. Yaritskaya. Extrinsic Luminescence Centers in CdI2 Crystals Doped with PbI2 (10-4 to 1 mol %). Inorganic Materials 49, 214-218 (2013).
  3. Kruchinin S.P., Zolotovsky A., Kim H.T. Band structure of new ReFe AsO superconductors. J. Mod. Phys. 4, 608-611 (2013).
  4. Kruchinin S.P., Nagao H., Nakazawa Y. Condensation energy for two-gap superconducting state in nanoparticles. J. Nanoparticles 3, 1-6 (2013).
  5. Rodionov V.E., Shnidko I.N., Zolotovsky A., Kruchinin S.P. Electroluminescence of Y2O3:Eu and Y2O3:Sm films. Material Sсience - Poland 31, 232-239 (2013).
  6. V.N. Ermakov, S.P. Kruchinin, H.T. Kim, T. Pruschke. Thermoelectric properties of molecular nanostructures. Nanotech 2, 724-727 (2013).
  7. E.S. Kryachko. Density Functional Theory and Molecular Interactions: Dispersion Interactions. In: Structure and Bonding (M.V. Putz and D.M.P. Mingos, eds.). Springer, Berlin, Vol. 150, p. 65-96 (2013).
Монографії, статті в журналах, інші публікації
  1. L.N. Christophorov. Indirect evidences of conformational regulation in reactions of proteins.Ukr. J. Phys. 57, #7, 746-751 (2012).
  2. E.S. Kryachko. Modeling Molecular Interactions by Analytic Potentials: Analytic Perturbation Treatment. Int. J. Quantum Chem. Kaplan Festschrift 112, No.18, 2986-2997 (2012).
  3. E.S. Kryachko. Gold and Nucleic Acids. In: Encyclopedia of Metalloproteins, Eds. V.N. Uversky, R.H. Kretsinger, E.A. Pertmyakov, Springer, 2012, 1-5.
  4. D.J. Klein, E.S. Kryachko, J. Leszczynski, O. Novaro, and J. Soullard. Preface. Int. J. Quantum Chem. (Kaplan Festschrift) 112, No.17, 2849-2857 (2012).
  5. Kruchinin S., Nagao H., Nanoscale superconductivity. Inter. J. Mod. Phys. B., Vol.26, 2012, p.1230013 (55 pages) (review).
  6. A.V.Gal'chinskii, N.V. Gloskovskaya and L.I.Yaritskaya Carrier trapping and delocalization in PbI2-containing CdI2 crystals. - Inorganic Materials, 2012, v.48, №4, pp.423-427.
Монографії, статті в журналах, інші публікації
  1. E.S. Kryachko. On Molecular Bonding Logic and Matrix Representation of Constant and Balanced Boolean Functions.УФЖ 56, № 7, 694-699 (2011).
  2. E.S. Kryachko.Stability and Protonation of Multielectron Systems: The Concept of Proton Affinity. I. Vague Limits. Int. J. Quantum Chem. Canuto Festschrift 111, No. 7, 1792-1807 (2011).
  3. E.S. Kryachko. On Stability and Protonation of Multi-Electron Systems: The Concept of Proton Affinity. II. Dissociative Proton Attachment and Protonation - Deprotonation Mapping. Int. J. Quantum Chem. (2011).
  4. E.S. Kryachko and F. Remacle. 20-Nanogold Au20(Td) and Low-Energy Hollow Cages: Void Reactivity. In Advances in the Theory of Quantum Systems in Chemistry and Physics. Edited by P. Hoggan, J. Maruani, P. Piecuch, G. Delgado-Barrio, and E.J. Br?ndas. Progress in Theoretical Chemistry and Physics, Vol. 22. Springer, Berlin, 2011. Ch. 30, pp. 573-612.
  5. Th. Zeegers-Huyskens and E.S. Kryachko. Methyl Formate and its Mono- and Di-Fluoro-Derivatives: Conformational Manifolds, Basicity and Interaction with HF - Theoretical Investigation. J. Phys. Chem. A 115, №, R. W. F. Bader Festschrift, 125860- (2011).
  6. E.S. Kryachko. Density Functional Approach To Many-Electron Systems: The Local-Scaling-Transformation Formulation.In Theoretical and Computational Developments in Modern Density Functional Theory.Edited by A. K. Roy, Nova Science Publishers, New York, 2011.
  7. V.N. Kharkyanen, Yu.М. Barabash, E.P. Lukashev, P.P. Knox, and L.N. Christophorov. Peculiarities of light-induced slow protein dynamics in the photosynthetic reaction center. Chem. Phys. Lett. 2011, 512, No 1-3, 113-117.
  8. Kruchinin S., Antonchenko V.Ya., Zolotovsky A., Band structure of new ErFeAsO superconductors .Task Quarterly, vol.15, v.2, p.99-106 (2011).
  9. Kruchinin S.P., Zolotovsky A.A., Hyun Taki Kim Band structure of new ReFeAsO superconductors. Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism, vol.24, n 9, p.2360-2367 (2011)
  10. Болеста И.М., Вистовский В.В., Глосковская Н.В., Панасюк М.Р., Ярицкая Л.И. Существование высокоэнергетического катионного экситона френкелевского типа и особенности его автолокализации в кристаллической системе CdI2-PbI2, Физика твердого тела. - 2011.-Т.53, №4.-с.745-749.
  11. E.S. Kryachko. Book Review: Symmetry Theory in Molecular Physics with Mathematica. A New Kind of Tutorial Book. By William Martin McClain, Springer, New York, 2009. Int. J. Quantum Chem. (2011).
Монографії, статті в журналах, інші публікації
  1. V.N. Kharkyanen, Yu.М. Barabash, N.М. Berezetskaya, М.V. Olenchuk, P.P. Knox, L.N. Christophorov. Deceleration of the electron transfer reaction in the photosynthetic reaction centre as a manifestation of its structure fluctuations. Biopolymers & Cell, 26, #4, 286-294 (2010).
  2. Kruchinin S.P., Zolotovsky A., Band structure for new Fe- based superconductors . Reviews on Advanced Mateials Science, 2011, n1, p.10-17.
  3. Kruchinin S., Nagao H., Aono S. Modern aspect of superconductivity: theory of superconductivity.-/ІТФ НАНУ/, World Scientific, 2010, p.232 (10), ISBN-9814261602
  4. E.S. Kryachko. On The Bifunctional Character of Bonding of Gold Clusters: Anchor and Non-Classical X-H Au Hydrogen Bondings - Nano-Biophysical Aspects.Вісник Черкаського Університету, Серія Хімічні Науки, Випуск 175, 3-10 (2010).
  5. A. Karpfen and E.S. Kryachko. The Dimers of Glyoxal and Acrolein with H2O and HF: Negative Intramolecular Coupling and Blue-Shifted C-H Stretch.Chem. Phys. Lett. 489, No. 1-3, 39-43 (2010).
  6. E.S. Kryachko. On Stability and Protonation of Multi-Electron Systems: The Concept of Proton Affinity. I. Vague Limits.Int. J. Quantum Chem. Canuto Festschrift (2010).
  7. E.S. Kryachko. On Stability and Protonation of Multi-Electron Systems: The Concept of Proton Affinity. II. Dissociative Proton Attachment and Protonation - Deprotonation Mapping.Int. J. Quantum Chem. (2010).
  8. E.S. Kryachko and F. Remacle. 20-nanogold Au20(Td) Cluster and Its Hollow Cage Iomers: Sructural and Energetic Properties.J. Phys.: Conf. Series 248, 012026 (2010).
  9. E.S. Kryachko and F. Remacle. 20-Nanogold Au20(Td) and Low-Energy Hollow Cages: Void Reactivity.In Progress in Theoretical Chemistry and Physics, Springer, Berlin, 2011.