Ihor Mryglod
(A Brief Biographical Sketch)
Ihor Myronovych Mryglod – a renowned scientist in the field of statistical physics of condensed matter, was born on May 26, 1960 in Ternopil region. Doctor of Sciences (2000), Active Member of the Shevchenko Scientific Society (2011), Full Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (2012).
In 1982, he graduated with honor from the Department of physics of Ivan Franko Lviv State University. Since that time, his activity is inextricably linked with the Institute for Condensed Matter Physics (ICMP) of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and with its forerunner – the Lviv Division of Statistical Physics of the Institute for Theoretical Physics of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR.
He went from engineer (since 1982) to director of the ICMP (2006-2021) and main researcher (from 2021). He defended a Ph. D. thesis «Using the approximate transformation of the renormalization group to study the critical behavior of the n-component model of the structural phase transition» in 1988 under supervision of academician I.R. Yukhnovskyi and a Dr. sci. (habilitation) thesis «Statistical theory of collective excitations in liquids: Approach of generalized collective modes» in 2000.
His research covers the theory of phase transitions and critical phenomena, dynamics and phase behavior of liquids, methods of statistical physics and computer modeling in applications to the physics of soft matter. He proposed the method of generalized collective modes in theory of liquid state, which opened up new opportunities for self-consistent calculation of time correlation functions, spectra of collective excitations and transport coefficients. Together with co-authors, he investigated the non-hydrodynamic mechanism of heat propagation, the peculiarities of structural relaxation in fluids, the nature of phonon-type optical modes in mixtures, the formation of spin waves in magnetic fluids, and also proposed a number of highly efficient algorithms for computer modeling of multiparticle systems by the molecular dynamics method. He developed a general formalism for description of phase transitions of the second order in systems with thermodynamic constraints, obtained important results in the theory of catalytic reactions and on the behavior of fuel-containing materials in the object «Shelter» of the Chornobyl NPP. In total, he has more than 400 scientific publications, including works on the history of science and scientometrics.
His works on the theory of magnetic liquids were awarded with the S.I. Pekar prize of NAS of Ukraine (2008). He has been awarded by Honors of the NAS of Ukraine «For scientific achievements» (2008) and «For preparation of a new generation of scientists» (2010), Diploma of honor of the Parliament of Ukraine (2004), the Order of Merit of the third degree (2020). He is Editor-in-chief of «Condensed Matter Physics» (since 2021), deputy head of Shevchenko Scientific Society, the member of the physical section of Committee of the State awards of Ukraine, the member of editorial boards of several scientific journals.
Main publications:
- I.M. Mryglod, I.P. Omelyan, M.V. Tokarchuk. Generalized collective modes for the Lennard-Jones fluid // Mol. Phys. – 1995. – 84 (2), 235-259
- I.M. Mryglod. Generalized statistical hydrodynamics of fluids: Approach of generalized collective modes // Condens. Matter Phys. – 1998. – 1, 753-796
- I.M. Mryglod, I.P. Omelyan, R. Folk. Ferromagnetic phase transition in a Heisenberg fluid: Monte Carlo simulations and Fisher corrections to scaling // Phys. Rev. Lett. – 2001. – 86, 3156
- I.P. Omelyan, I.M. Mryglod, R. Folk. Symplectic analytically integrable decomposition algorithms: classification, derivation, and application to molecular dynamics, quantum and celestial mechanics simulations // Computer Phys. Communic. – 2003. – 151 (3), 272-314
- O.V. Patsahan, I.M. Mryglod. Phase behaviour and criticality in primitive models of ionic liquids. – In: Order, Disorder and Criticality (Ed. Yu. Holovatch), World Scientific: Singapore. – Vol. 3, 2012. – P.47-92
- T. Bryk, F.A. Gorelli, I. Mryglod, G. Ruocco, M. Santoro, T. Scopigno. Behavior of supercritical fluids across the “Frenkel Line” // J. Phys. Chem. Lett. – 2017. – 8 (20), 4995-5001