Bogolyubov Institute for Theoretical Physics
of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Anatoly Glibovych Zagorodny
Anatoly Glibovych Zagorodny

Honorary Director,
Administration Advisor,
Academician of National Academy of Science of Ukraine,
President of National Academy of Science of Ukraine,
Doctor of Sciences in Physics and Mathematics

+380 (44) 526 53 62

Sergiy M. Perepelytsya
Sergiy M. Perepelytsya

Doctor of Sciences in Physics and Mathematics

+380 (44) 521 34 23

Volodymyr I. Zasenko
Volodymyr I. Zasenko

Deputy Director,
Doctor of Sciences in Physics and Mathematics

+380 (44) 521 34 08

Mykola I. Glushko
Mykola I. Glushko

Deputy Director,
Candidate of Sciences in Physics and Mathematics

+380 (44) 521 34 62

Ivan O. Starodub
Ivan O. Starodub

Scientific Secretary,
Candidate of Sciences in Physics and Mathematics

+380 (44) 521 34 94