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Topmost Scientific Publications
Archive 2010-2015
Department of Synergetics
Articles in journals, other publications
- Б.І. Лев. Формування структур в рідкокристалічних колоїдах, Київ, Інститут теоретичної фізики ім. М.М. Боголюбова, 2015, 198 с.
- K.V. Grigorishin, B.I. Lev. Toy model of high themperature supercondactivity, Low Temperature Physics/Fizika Nizkikh Temperatur, 41, 482-485 (2015)
- B.I. Lev, V.P. Ostroukh, V.B. Tymchysgyn, A.G. Zagorodny. Electron distribution on a deformed liquid-helium surface. Ukr. J. Phys., 60, N 3, 247-252 (2015).
- O.M. Tovkach, S.B. Chernyshuk and B.I. Lev. Colloidal interactions in a homeotropic nematic cell with different elastic constants, Phys. Rev. E. Vol. 92, P. 042505. (2015)
- Grytsay V.I. Lyapunov Indices and the Poincare Mapping in a Study of the Stability of the Krebs Cycle, УФЖ, 2015, т. 60, № 6, с. 564-577.
- Grytsay V.I. Self-organization and Fractality in the Metabolic Process of Glycolysis, УФЖ, 2015, т. 60, № 12, с. 1253-1265.
- V. Grytsay. Self-organization and fractality created by gluconeogenesis in the metabolic process, Chaotic Modeling and Simulation (CMSIM), 2015
- A.K. Vidybida. Activity of Excitatory Neuron with Delayed Feedback Stimulated with Poisson Stream is Non-Markov. J. Stat. Phys. (2015) 160:1507-1518, DOI 10.1007/s10955-015-1301-2.
- A.K. Vidybida. Relation Between Firing Statistics of Spiking Neuron with Instantaneous Feedback and Without Feedback. Fluctuation and Noise Letters Vol. 14, No. 4 (2015) 1550034 (7 pages), DOI: 10.1142/S0219477515500340.
- Constantin V. Usenko, Security of direct communication quantum channel with feedback. International Journal of Quantum InformationVol. 13, No. 08, 1550062 (2015)
Articles in journals, other publications
- B.I. Lev, V.P. Ostroukh, V.B. Tymchyshyn, A.G. Zagorodny. Statistical description of the system electrons on the liquid helium surface. Europ. Phys. J. B 87, 1-13, 2014.
- S.B. Chernyshuk, O.M. Tovkach and B.I. Lev. Surface-induced structures in nematic liquid crystal colloids Phys.Rev. E 90, 020502(R) (2014)
- S.B. Chernyshuk, O.M. Tovkach and B.I. Lev. Elastic octopoles and colloidal structures in nematic liquid crystals Phys. Rev.E 89, 032505 (2014)
- B.I. Lev, Jun-ichi Fukuda, O.M. Tovkach and S.B. Chernyshuk. Interaction of small spherical particles in con?ned cholesteric liquid crystals, Phys. Rev. E 89, 012509 (2014)
- M.V. Kozachok and B.I. Lev. Stokes drag of spherical particle in a nematic environment at weak anchoring Condensed Matter Physics, 13, 53 (2014)
- Григоришин К.В. Автолокалізовані стани надлишкового електрона в іонному кластері, УФЖ, 2014, т.59, №1, с. 58-68.
- K.V. Grigorishin. Theory of s-wave supercunductor containing impurities with regarded interaction with quasiparticles, Physica Scripta, 2014, v.89, p.115809
- Won Sang Chung, A.M. Gavrilik, I.I. Kachurik, A.P. Rebesh. Symmetric Tamm-Dancoff q-oscillator: representation, quasi-Fibonacci nature, accidental degeneracy and coherent states, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 47, 2014, 305304.
- V. Grytsay, I.V. Musatenko. Self-Organization and Chaos in the Metabolism of a Cell, Biopolymers and Cell, 2014, Vol. 30, No. 5, p. 404-409.
- V. Grytsay, I. Musatenko. Nonlinear Self-organization Dynamics of a Metabolic Process of the Krebs Cycle, Chaotic Modeling and Simulation (CMSIM), 2014, Vol. 3, p. 207-220.
- K.G. Kravchuk, A.K. Vidybida. Non-Markovian spiking statistics of a neuron with delayed feedback in presence of refractoriness. Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering (American Institute of Mathematical Sciences), 2014, 11(1), 81-104.
- A.K. Vidybida. Binding Neuron. In: Mehdi Khosrow-Pour (ed). Encyclopedia of information science and technology, Third Edition, IGI Global, Hershey PA, 2014, pp. 1123-1134.
- О.К. Відибіда. Вихідний потік інтегруючого нейрона з втратами. ДАН України, 2014, № 12, стор. 18-23.
- L. Ruppert, V. C. Usenko and R. Filip. Long-distance continuous-variable quantum key distribution with efficient channel estimation, Phys. Rev. A 90, 062310 (2014)
Articles in journals, other publications
- B.I. Lev. Cellular structure in condensed matterMod. Phys. Lett. B., 27, 1330020 (2013)
- B.I. Lev, A.G. Zagorodny. Pattern formation in the models with coupling between order parameter and its gradient. Europhys. J., B 86 (10), 1-7, 2013.
- O.M. Tovkach, Jun-ichi Fukuda and B.I. Lev. Peculiarity of theinteraction of small particles in smectic liquid crystals. Phys. Rev. E, 88, 061702 (2013)
- K.V. Grigorishin and B.I. Lev. Effect of impurities with retarded interaction with quasiparticles upon critical temperature of s-wave superconductor Physica C 495 (2013) 174-181
- K.V. Grigorishin and B.I. Lev. Nonlocal Free Energy of a Spatially Inhomogeneous Superconductor Commun. Theor. Phys. 57 (2012) 879-892
- T. Turiv, I. Lazo, O. Brodyn, B.І. Lev, V Reiffenrath, V.G. Nazarenko, and O.D. Lavrentovych. Effect of collective molecular reorientation on Brownian motion of colloids in nematic liquid crystal. Science, 342, 13 Dezember, 1351-1354 (2013)
- B.I. Lev. Non-equilibrium distribution function in energetic representation. Eur. Phys.J. ST, 216, 37-48 (2013)
- A.K. Vidybida, K.G. Kravchuk. Firing statistics of inhibitory neuron with delayed feedback.Output ISI probability density, BioSystems (Elsevier), 2013, № 112(3), 224-232.
- K.G. Kravchuk, A.K. Vidybida. Firing statistics of inhibitory neuron with delayed feedback. Non-Markovian behavior, BioSystems (Elsevier), 2013, № 112(3), 233-248.
- A.K. Vidybida, K.G. Kravchuk. Delayed feedback makes neuronal firing statistics non-markovian, Ukrainian Mathematical Journal (Springer), 2013, № 64(12), 1793-1815.
- A.K. Vidybida, K.G. Kravchuk. Spiking statistics of excitatory neuron with feedback. International Journal of Organizational and Collective Intelligence, (IGI Global), 2012, № 3(2), 1-42.
- V.I. Grytsay, I.V. Musatenko. The Structure of a Chaos of Strange Attractors within a Mathematical Model of the Metabolism of a Cell, Ukr. J. Phys., 2013, Vol. 58, N 7, P. 677-686.
- V.I. Grytsay, I.V. Musatenko. Self-Oscillatory Dynamics of the Metabolic Process in a Cell, Український біохімічний журнал, 2013, т. 85, № 2, С. 93-104.
- V.I. Grytsay, I.V. Musatenko. Self-Organization and Fractality in a Metabolic Process of the Krebs Cycle, Український біохімічний журнал, 2013, т. 85, № 5, С. 191-200.
- V. Usenko and R. Filip. Towards continuous-variable quantum key distribution in atmospheric channels, SPIE Security+Defense, 8899-34 (2013)
- Constantin V Usenko Entanglement and Complexity of Measurement, 2013 J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 442 012061 DOI 10.1088/1742-6596/442/1/012061
- B.I. Lev. The ground state and the character of the interaction between a colloidl particles in a liquid crystals arXiv: 1311.1878v1 [cond-mat.soft] 8 Nov 2013.
- K.V. Grigorishin, B.I. Lev. Efect of impurities with retarded interaction with quasiparticles upon critical temperature of s-wave superconductor. arXiv: 1304. 0113[cond-mat. sup-con.] 6 Sep. 2013.
- B.I. Lev, V.P. Ostroukh, V.B. Tymchyshyn, and A.G. Zagorodny. The statistical description of the electron system on the liquid helium surface. arXiv: 1308. 3852[cond-mat.stat.-mech] 18 Aug.. 2013.
- S.B. Chernyshuk, O.M. Tovkach and B.I. Lev. Elastic octopoles and colloidal structures in nematic liquid crystals. arXiv: 1308. 3852[cond-mat.soft ] 14 May. 2013.
- S.B. Chernyshuk, O.M. Tovkach and B.I. Lev. Monopol interaction in nematic liquid crystal colloids. arXiv: 1311. 3852[cond-mat.soft ] 14 Nov. 2013.
Papers at conferences and seminars
- V.C. Usenko and R. Filip. Beyond Shannon information in quantum communication, Neural Coding: Information Beyond Shannon, Prague (Czech Republic), July 3-4 2013
- V.C. Usenko. Towards continuous-variable quantum key distribution in atmospheric channels, SPIE Security+Defence: Quantum-Physics-Based Information Security, Dresden (Germany), September 24-27 2013
Articles in journals, other publications
- Grigorishin K.V., Lev B.I. Nonlocal free energy of a spatially inhomogeneous superconductor. // Commun. Theor. Phys. - 2012. - Vol. 57, - P. 879-892.
- S. Madsen, V.C. Usenko, M. Lassen, R. Filip, U.L. Andersen, Continuous variable quantum key distribution with modulated entangled states, Nature Communications, 3, 1083 (2012)
- V. Usenko, B. Heim, Ch. Peuntinger, Ch. Wittmann, Ch. Marquardt, G. Leuchs and R. Filip, Entanglement of Gaussian states and the applicability to quantum key distribution over fading channels, New J. Phys. 14, 093048 (2012).
- D.Yu. Vasylyev, A.A. Semenov, and W. Vogel. Toward Global Quantum Communication: Beam Wandering Preserves Nonclassicality, Phys. Rev. Lett., 2012, 108, 220501.
- A.A. Semenov, F. Toeppel, D.Yu. Vasylyev, H.V. Gomonay, and W. Vogel. Homodyne detection for atmosphere channels, Phys. Rev. A, 2012, 85, 013826.
- S.B. Chernyshuk, O.N. Tovkach and B.I. Lev. Theory of elastic interaction between colloidal particles in a nematic cell in the presence of an external electric or magnetic field. Phys.Rev.E, 85, 011704, (2012).
- S.B. Chernyshuk, O.N. Tovkach and B.I. Lev. Theory of elastic interaction between arbitrary colloidal particles in confined nematic liquid crystals. Phys.Rev.E, 86 061701, (2012).
- B.I. Lev Wave Function as Geometric EntityJournal of Modern Physics, 2012, 3, (2012).
- K.G. Kravchuk, A.K. Vidybida. Delayed feedback causes non-Markovian behavior of neuronal firing statistics. Український Математичний Журнал (No 12, 2012).
- Ю.І. Посудін, В.Й. Грицай, Біофізика водного середовища: Навчальний посібник (перевидано). - К.:, 2012. - 127с.
- V.I. Grytsay, I.V. Musatenko, Self-Oscillatory Dynamics of the Metabolic Process in a Cell Arthrobacter Globiformis, Journal of Physical Science and Application, 2012, 14 p.
- V.I. Grytsay, I.V. Musatenko, Self-Oscillatory Dynamics of the Metabolic Process in a Cell, The Ukrainian Biochemical Journal, 17 с. (2012).
- V.I. Grytsay, I.V. Musatenko, Nonlinear Dynamics of the Metabolic Process in Cells, Ukr. J. Phys., 12 p (2012).
- Usenko, C.V. Quantum cryptography with direct coding of the bi-photon light. J Russ Laser Res 33, 283–292 (2012).
- K.G. Kravchuk, A.K. Vidybida. Output stream of inhibitory neuron with delayed feedback is non-Markovian. arXiv:1210.3229
- B.I. Lev, A.G. Zagorodny. Unification of the standard and gradient theories of phase transition Subjects: Statistical Mechanics (cond-mat.stat-mech), arXiv:1206.4559.
- B.I. Lev and A.G. Zagorodny, Model of phase transitions with coupling of the order parameter and its gradient. arXiv: 1211.5687
Articles in journals, other publications
- Ю. Посудін, В. Грицай. Біофізика водного середовища, Київ, НУБіП України, 2011. - 126 с. (Навчальний посібник. Рекомендовано Міністерством освіти і науки України для студентів вищих навчальних закладів).
- K.V. Grigorishin and B.I. Lev. The self-consistent microscopic model of an energy spectrum of a superfluity 4He with the Hermitian form of Bogoliubov-Zubarev Hamiltonian Ukr. J. Phys. vol. 56, №11, pp. 1183-1198 (2011)
- V.C. Usenko and R. Filip, Squeezed-state quantum key distribution upon imperfect reconciliation, New J. Phys. 13, 113007 (2011)
- Lev B.I., Tymchyshyn V.B., Zagorodny A.G. Influence of charging current fluctuations on the grain velocity distribution in weakly-ionized plasmas. Phys. Letters. A, 2011, 375, Issue 3, p. 593-597
- B.I. Lev. Nonequilibrium self-gravitating system. International Journal of Modern Physics B, 25, 16, 2237, (2011)
- S.B. Chernyshuk and B.I. Lev. Theory of elastic interaction of colloidal particles in nematic liquid crystals near one wall and in the nematic cell. Phys. Rev. E, 84, 011707, (2011)
- B.I. Lev, and A.G. Zagorodny. To the Statistical Description of the Structure Formation in Coulomb-like Systems, Ukr. J. Phys. vol. 56, №7, pp. 700, (2011)
- B.I. Lev, A.G. Zagorodny. Statistical description of Coulomb-like systems Phys. Rev. E 2011, 84, 061115.
- A.A. Semenov and W. Vogel, Fake violations of the quantum Bell-parameter bound, Phys. Rev. A 83, 032119 (2011).
- Usenko, C.V. Theory of measurement of entangled states. Opt. Spectrosc. 111, 678–684 (2011).
- Grigorishin K.V., Lеv B.I., Microscopic theory of phase transitions and nonlocal corrections for free energy of a superconductor // arXiv:1109.3677v1 [cond-mat.stat-mech] (2011)
- Grigorishin K.V., Lev B.I., Nonlocal free energy of a spatially inhomogeneous superconductor // arXiv:1110.6548v1 [cond-mat.supr-con] (2011)
Papers at conferences and seminars
- V.C. Usenko, Noise and Information in the Quantum-Optical Communications, Optics and High Technology Material Science, Kiev, Ukraine, October 27-30, 2011
- V.C. Usenko and R. Filip, How classical correlations improve the continuous-variable quantum key distribution, Correlation Optics, Chernivtsi, Ukraine, September 12-16, 2011
- В.К. Усенко, Р. Филип, Сжатые состояния с шумом в квантовой криптографии на основе непрерывных переменных, Седьмой семинар памяти Д.Н.Клышко, Moscow, Russia, May 25-27, 2011
Articles in journals, other publications
- S.B. Chernyshuk and B.I. Lev Elastic interaction between colloidal particles in confined nematic liquid crystal, Phys. Rev. E, 81, 041701 (2010)
- B.I. Lev and A.D. Kiselev. Energetic representation for nonequilibrium Brownian-like system: seady states and fluctuation relation, Phys. Rev. E, 82, 031102 (2010)
- A. Brodyn, A. Nych, U. Ognysta, B. Lev, V. Nazarenko, M. Skarabot and I. Musevich. Melting of 2D liquid crystal colloidal structure. Condensed Matter Physics, v.13, 33601 (2010)
- B.I. Lev. Brownian motion as model of the evolution of a non-equilibrium system. Journal of Physical Studies, v.13, 4705 (2010)
- V.C. Usenko and R. Filip. Feasibility of continuous-variable quantum key distribution with noisy coherent states, Phys. Rev. A 81, 022318 (2010)
- V.C. Usenko and M.G.A. Paris, Quantum communication with photon-number entangled states and realistic photodetection, Phys. Lett. A 374, 1342345 (2010)
- V.C. Usenko and R. Filip, Tolerance of continuous variables quantum key distribution to the noise in state preparation, Optics and Spectroscopy Vol. 108 No. 3, 331-335 (2010)
- A A. Semenov and W. Vogel. Entanglement Transfer through the Turbulent Atmosphere, Phys. Rev. A 81, 023835. (2010)
- A.K. Vidybida, K.G. Kravchuk. Output stream of binding neuron with feedback. Chapter in the book Knowledge-based Intelligent System Advancements: Systemic and Cybernetic Approaches, IGI Global (USA), Chapter 10, pp. 182-215 (2010)
- V.I. Grytsay. Structural Instability of Biochemical Process, УФЖ, 2010, №5, 599-606 c.
- D. Vasylyev, W. Vogel, K. Henneberger, and F. Richter. Propagation of quantized light through bounded dispersive and absorptive media, Phys. Sc., 2010, T140, с. 014039.
- Cherkashyna, N.O., Usenko, C.V. Evaluation of entanglement of CV-pair. Opt. Spectrosc. 108, 220–224 (2010).
- A.A. Semenov and W. Vogel. Fake Violations of Quantum Physics, arXiv:1004.3700 [quant-ph]