List of Departments
Topmost Scientific Publications
Archive 2010-2015
Department of Astrophysics and Elementary Particles
Articles in journals, other publications
- Dark energy and dark matter in the Universe: in three volumes / Editor V. Shulga. — Vol. 3. Dark matter: Observational manifestation and experimental searches / Vavilova I. B., Bolotin Yu. L., Boyarsky A. M., Danevich F. A., Kobychev V. V., Tretyak V. I., Babyk Iu. V., Iakubovskyi D. A., Hnatyk B. I., Sergeev S. G. Kyiv, Akademperiodyka, 2015. ISBN 978-966-360-287-5, 375 p
- D. Savchenko, D. Iakubovskyi. Identification of the ~3.55 keV emission line candidate objects across the sky, Advances in Astronomy and Space Physics 5, issue 2 (2015); Arxiv:1511.02698.
- D. Iakubovskyi. Checking the potassium origin of the new emission line at 3.5 keV using the K XIX line complex at 3.7 keV, Mon. Not. Roy Astron. Soc. 453, 4097 (2015).
- A. Boyarsky, J. Franse, D. Iakubovskyi, O. Ruchayskiy. Checking the Dark Matter Origin of a 3.53 keV Line with the Milky Way Center, Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, 161301 (2015).
- D. Iakubovskyi, S. Yushchenko. Comptonization of cosmic microwave background by cold ultra-relativistic electron-positron pulsar wind and origin of ~100 GeV lines, Ukr. J. Phys.V.60, №12 (2015).
- V. Sahni, Yu. Shtanov, A. Toporensky. Arrow of time in dissipationless cosmology, Class. Quantum Grav. 32, 182001 (2015).
- Ю.В. Штанов. Темна матерія у Всесвіті: сучасний стан і проблеми, Вісник НАН України, № 11, сс. 29-40 (2015).
- R. Fiore, L. Jenkovszky, V. Libov and Magno V.T. Machado. Vector meson production in ultra-peripheral collisions at the LHC, ТМФ, 182, №1, 171-181 (2015).
- A. Ster, L. Jenkovszky, T. Csorgo. Extracting the Odderon from pp and p¯p scattering data, Phys.Rev. D91 (2015) no.7, 074018 (2015).
- L. Jenkovszky, A. Lengyel. Low t structure of the diffraction cone, Acta Phys. Polonica B 46, 863-869 (2015).
- K.V. Cherevko, L.A. Bulavin, L.L. Jenkovszky, V.M. Sysoev, and Feng-Shou Zhang. Curvature correction term as a constraint for the Skyrme interaction, Phys. Rev. C 92, 01430811 (2015).
- V.P. Gusynin, S.G. Sharapov, and A.A. Varlamov. Spin Nernst effect and intrinsic magnetization in two-dimensional Dirac materials, Low Temperature Physics/Fizika Nizkikh Temperatur, V.41, No.5, 445-456 (2015).
- E.V. Gorbar. Chiral asymmetry in magnetized dense relativistic matter and pulsar kicks, Ukranian J. Physics, V.60, No.4, 289-296 (2015).
- D.O. Rybalka, E.V. Gorbar, and V.P. Gusynin. Gap generation and phase diagram in strained graphene in a magnetic field, Phys. Rev. B 91, 115132 (2015).
- E.V. Gorbar, V.P. Gusynin, and O.O. Sobol. Supercritical Electric Dipole and Migration of Electron Wave Function in Graphene, Europhysics Letters V.111, 37003 (2015).
- E.V. Gorbar, V.P. Gusynin, and O.O. Sobol. Supercriticality of novel type induced by electric dipole in gapped graphene, Phys. Rev. B 92, 235417 (2015).
- E.V. Gorbar, V.A. Miransky, I.A. Shovkovy, P.O. Sukhachov. Dirac semimetals A_3Bi (A=Na, K, Rb) as Z_2 Weyl semimetals, Phys. Rev. B 91, 121101(R) (2015).
- E.V. Gorbar, V.A. Miransky, I.A. Shovkovy, P.O. Sukhachov. Surface Fermi arcs in Z_2 Weyl semimetals A_3Bi (A=Na, K, Rb), Phys. Rev. B 91, 235138 (2015).
- M. Tomchenko. Point bosons in a 1D box: the ground state, excitations and thermodynamics, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. V. 48. 365003 (2015).
- Yu.A. Sitenko and S.A. Yushchenko. Pressure from the vacuum of confined spinor matter, Int. J. Mod. Phys. A 30, No. 30, 1550184 (2015).
- L. Jenkovszky, A. Salii, and V. Libov. Vector meson production in ultra- peripheral collisions at the LHC, Particle and Astroparticle Physics, Gravitation and Cosmology; Predictions, Observations and New Projects, World Scientific,, 2015, p. 96.
Articles in journals, other publications
- V.P. Gusynin, V.M. Loktev, I.A. Luk'yanchuk, S.G. Sharapov, A.A. Varlamov. Quantum oscillations as the tool for study new functional materials. Low Temp. Phys. 40, № 4, 355-366 (2014).
- Е.В. Горбар. Електронні Стани на Найнижчому Рівні Ландау у Невпорядкованому Діраківському Напівметалі, Вісник Київського Національного Університету ім. Тараса Шевченка. Серія фіз.-мат. науки, вип. 1 (2014) 257-260.
- I.V. Rudenok, Yu.V. Shtanov, S.I. Vilchinskii. Preheating the universe after inflation, Odessa Astronomical Publications, Vol. 27, Issue 2, pp. 11-14 (2014).
- M.D. Tomchenko. Microstructure of He II in the presence of boundaries, УФЖ, 2014, №2, с. 123-140.
- V.P. Gusynin, S.G. Sharapov, A.A.Varlamov. Anomalous thermo-spin effect in the low-buckled Dirac materials, Phys. Rev. B 90, 155107 (2014).
- O.O. Sobol, E.V. Gorbar, and V.P. Gusynin. Dynamical Polarization in ABC-stacked Multilayer Graphene in a Magnetic Field, Phys. Rev. B 90 (2014) 085420.
- Л.Л. Енковский, О.Е. Купраш, Р. Орава, А. Салий, Однократная и двойная дифракционная диссоциация с малыми надостающими массами на Большом Адронном Коллайдере (БАК), Ядерная физика, 2014, том 77, №12, с. 1535-1546.
- S. Fazio, R. Fiore, L. Jenkovszky, and A. Salii. Unifying softand harddiffractive exclusive vector meson production and deeply virtual Compton scattering, Phys. Rev D, 2014, v. 90, p. 016007.
- R. Fiore, L. Jenkovszky, V. Libov and Magno V.T. Machado. Vector meson production in ultra-peripheral collisions at the LHC, ТМФ, 2015, том 182, №1, с 171-181.
- L. Jenkovszky. Reggeization of the Phillips-Barger model of high-energy hadron scattering, Nuovo Cimento, 2014, Vol. 37C, #2, p.99.
- Maxim Brilenkov, Maxim Eingorn, Laszlo Jenkovszky, Alexander Zhuk. Scalar perturbations in cosmological models with quark nuggets, The European Phus. J. C, 2014, v. 74, p. 3011.
- L.L. Jenkovszky, V.I. Zhdanov, and E.J. Stukalo. Cosmological model with variable vaccum pressure, Phys. Rev. D, 2014, v. 90, p. 023529.
- K.V. Cherevko, I.A. Bulavin, L.L. Jenkovszky, V.M. Sysoev, and Feng-Shou Zhang. Evaluation of the curvature-correction term from the equation of state of nuclear matter, Phys. Rev. D, 2014, v. 90, p. 017303.
- E.V. Gorbar, V.A. Miransky, and I.A. Shovkovy. Chiral Anomaly, Dimensional Reduction, and Magnetoresistivity of Weyl and Dirac Semimetals, Phys. Rev. B 89 (2014) 085126.
- Lifang Xia, E.V. Gorbar, V.A. Miransky, and I.A. Shovkovy. Chiral Asymmetry in Cold QED Plasma, Phys. Rev. D 90 (2014) 085011.
- E.V. Gorbar, V.A. Miransky, I.A. Shovkovy, and P.O. Sukhachov. Quantum Oscillations as a Probe of Interaction Effects in Weyl Semimetals in a Magnetic Field, Phys. Rev. B 90 (2014) 115131.
- A. Viznyuk, Yu. Shtanov, V. Sahni. No-boundary proposal for braneworld perturbations, Phys. Rev. D 89, 083523 (2014).
- I. Rudenok, Yu. Shtanov, S. Vilchinskii. Post-inflationary preheating with weak coupling, Physics Letters B 733, 193-197 (2014).
- S. Bag, V. Sahni, Yu. Shtanov, S. Unnikrishnan. Emergent cosmology revisited, JCAP 1407, 034 (2014).
- V. Sahni, Yu. Shtanov. Can a variable gravitational constant resolve the faint young Sun paradox?, IJMPD 23, 1442018 (2014).
- Yu.A. Sitenko and S.A. Yushchenko. The Casimir effect with quantized charged scalar matter in background magnetic field, Int. J. Mod. Phys. A, vol. 29, N 9, 1450052, 2014.
- Veko O.V., Red'kov V.M., Shelest A.I., Yushchenko S.A., Ishkhanyan A.M. General conditions of vanishing current Jz for a dirac field on boundaries of a domain between two planes, Nonlinear Phenomena in Complex Systems, vol. 17, N 2, pp. 147-168, 2014.
- A. Boyarsky, O. Ruchayskiy, D. Iakubovskyi, J. Franse. An unidentified line in X-ray spectra of the Andromeda galaxy and Perseus galaxy cluster, Phys. Rev. Lett. 113, 251301 (2014).
Articles in journals, other publications
- B. Novosyadlyj, V. Pelykh, Yu. Shtanov, A. Zhuk. Dark Energy: Observational Evidence and Theoretical Models, Київ, Академперіодика (2013).
- V.P. Gusynin. Graphene and Quantum Electrodynamics. Вопросы атомной науки и техники, №3(85), сс. 29-34 (2013).
- Yu.V. Shtanov. Quantum cosmology, Вопросы атомной науки и техники, № 3 (85) сс. 42-47 (2013).
- А.И. Бугрий, В.М. Локтев. К теории неоднородной бозе-ейнштейновской конденсации магнонов в железо-итриевом гранате, Физика низких температур, т.39, №12, сc. 1333-1345 (2013).
- В. Бешлей, Є. Вовк, Д. Малишев, В. Марченко, О. Петрук, В. Савченко, Д. Якубовський. Космiчнi джерела гама-випромiнювання та перспективи їх спостережень на мiжнароднiй космiчнiй обсерваторiї ГАМА-400, Журнал фізичних досліджень (2012), том 17, № 2, id. 2901 (21 с.)
- Junji Jia, E.V. Gorbar, and V.P. Gusynin. Gap Generation in ABC-stacked Multilayer Graphene: Screening versus Band Flattening, Phys. Rev. B 88, 205428 (1-9) (2013).
- O.O. Sobol, E.V. Gorbar, and V.P. Gusynin. Supercritical Instability in Graphene with Two Charged Impurities, Phys. Rev. B 88, 205116 (1-12) (2013).
- E.V. Gorbar, V.A. Miransky, and I.A. Shovkovy. Engineering Weyl Nodes in Dirac Semimetals by a Magnetic Field, Phys. Rev. B 88, 165105 (2013).
- E.V. Gorbar, V.A. Miransky, I.A. Shovkovy, and Xinyang Wang. Chiral Asymmetry in QED Matter in a Magnetic Field, Phys. Rev. D 88, 025043 (2013).
- E.V. Gorbar, V.A. Miransky, I.A. Shovkovy, and Xinyang Wang. Radiative Corrections to Chiral Separation Effect in QED, Phys. Rev. D 88 (2013) 025025
- S. Fazio, R. Fiore, L. Jenkovszky, A. Salii, Reggeometry of Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering and Exclusive Vector Meson Production at HERA, Acta Physica Polonica B, V. 44, No. 6, 1333 ( 2013).
- M. Brilenkov, M. Eingorn, L. Jenkovszky, A. Zhuk. Dark matter and dark energy from quark bag model, Journ. of Cosmology and Astroparticles 08, 002 (2013).
- V.E. Kuzmichev, V.V. Kuzmichev. Quantum corrections to the dynamics of the expanding universe, Acta Phys. Pol. B, 2013, V.44, No.10, P.2051-2073.
- V.E. Kuzmichev, V.V. Kuzmichev. Quantum field model of the origin of matter-energy in the expanding universe, Universal Journal of Physics and Application, V.1, No.4, P.422-428 (2013).
- V.E. Kuzmichev, V.V. Kuzmichev. New analytical solution of the Einstein equations for cosmological consequences of the redistribution of energy between matter components in the very early universe, Algebras, Groups and Geometries, V.29, No.2, P.231-241 (2013).
- V.E. Kuzmichev, V.V. Kuzmichev. Quantum geometrodynamics methods in the theory of expanding Universe, Algebras, Groups and Geometries, 2013, V.30, No.3, P.243-274.
- D. Malyshev, A. Zdziarski, M. Chernyakova. High-energy gamma-ray emission from Cyg X-1 measured by Fermi and its theoretical implications, MNRAS 434, 2380 (2013).
- A. Boyarsky, D. Malyshev, O. Ruchayskiy. Spectral and spatial variations of the diffuse ?-ray background in the vicinity of the Galactic plane and possible nature of the feature at 130GeV, Physics of the Dark Universe 2, 90 (2013).
- A.V. Viznyuk, Yu.V. Shtanov, V. Sahni. A no-boundary proposal for braneworld perturbations, arXiv:1310.8048 [gr-qc].
- K. Bondarenko, L. Jenkovszky. Deconvoluting GPD from an explicit DVCS amplitude, arXiv:1301.3635.
- M. Brilenkov, M. Eingorn, L. Jenkovszky, A. Zhuk. Scalar perturbations in cosmological models with quark nuggets, arXiv:1310.4540.
- L. Jenkovszky, A. Salii. Diffraction dissociation at the LHC, arXiv:1310.6315.
- E.V. Gorbar, V.A. Miransky, I.A. Shovkovy. Chiral anomaly, dimensional reduction, and magnetoresistivity of Weyl and Dirac semimetals, arxiv:1312.0027.
- V.E. Kuzmichev, V.V. Kuzmichev. Quantum dynamics of the expanding universe, arXiv:1307.2383 [gr-qc] (2013) - 20 p.
Articles in journals, other publications
- E.V. Gorbar, V.P. Gusynin, V.A. Miransky, I.A. Shovkovy. Coulomb Interaction and Magnetic Catalysis in The Quantum Hall Effect in Graphene, Physica Scripta T 146, 014018 (2012).
- E.V. Gorbar, V.A. Miransky, I.A. Shovkovy. Suprises in Relativistic Matter in a Magnetic Field, Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics 67, 547-551 (2012).
- E.V. Gorbar, V.P. Gusynin, V.A. Miransky, I.A. Shovkovy. Broken Symmetry ?=0 Quantum Hall States in Bilayer Graphene: Landau Level Mixing and Dynamical Screening, Phys. Rev. D 85, 235460 (2012).
- E.V. Gorbar, V.P. Gusynin, A.B. Kuzmenko, and S.G. Sharapov. Magneto-optical and optical probes of gapped ground states in bilayer graphene, Phys. Rev. B 86, 075414 (2012).
- O.V. Gamayun, E.V. Gorbar, V.P. Gusynin. Magnetic Field Driven Instability in Planar NJL Model in Real-Time Formalism, Phys. Rev. D 86, 065021 (2012).
- E.V. Gorbar, V.P. Gusynin, V.A. Miransky, I.A. Shovkovy. Coexistence and Competition of Nematic and Gapped States in Bilayer Graphene, Phys. Rev. B 86, 125439 (2012).
- E.V. Gorbar, V.P. Gusynin, Junji Jia, V.A. Miransky. Phase Diagram of the Lowest Landau Level in Bilayer Graphene, Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplement 197, 107 (2012).
- S. Fazio, R. Fiore, L Jenkovszky, A. Lavorini. Exclusive diffractive production of real photons and vector mesons in a factorized Regge-pole model with non-linear Pomeron trajectory, Phys. Rev, D 85, 054009 (2012).
- L.L. Jenkovszky, A.O. Muskeev, S.N. Yezhov. Excited Nucleon as a van der Waals System of Partons, Yad. Fizika (Physics of Atomic Nuclei) 75, No.6, pp. 721-724 (2012).
- L.L. Jenkovszky, J.T. Lodergan, V.K. Magas, A.P. Szczepaniak. Explicit model realizing quark-hadron duality, Int. J. Mod Phys. A27, 1250157 (2012).
- M.R. Lovell, V. Eke, C. S. Frenk, L. Gao, A. Jenkins, T. Theuns, J. Wang, S. D. M. White, A. Boyarsky, O. Ruchayskiy. The haloes of bright satellite galaxies in a warm dark matter universe, MNRAS 420, 2318-2324 (2012).
- A. Boyarsky, J. Frohlich, O. Ruchayskiy. Self-consistent evolution of magnetic fields and chiral asymmetry in the early Universe, Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 031301 (2012).
- A. Boyarsky, O. Ruchayskiy, M. Shaposhnikov. Long-range magnetic fields in the ground state of the Standard Model plasma, Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 111602 (2012).
- A. Boyarsky, D. Iakubovskyi, O. Ruchayskiy. Next decade of sterile neutrino studies, Physics of the Dark Universe, Vol. 1, pp. 136-154 (2012).
- M. Chernyakova, A. Neronov, S. Molkov, D. Malyshev, A. Lutovinov, G. Pooley. Superorbital Modulation of X-Ray Emission from Gamma-Ray Binary LSI +61 303, ApJ 747, L29 (2012).
- A. Neronov, D. Malyshev, M. Chernyakova, A. Lutovinov. Search for variable gamma-ray emission from the Galactic plane in the Fermi data, Astronomy & Astrophysics 543, L9 (2012).
- F. Aharonian, D. Khangulyan, D. Malyshev. Cold ultrarelativistic pulsar winds as potential sources of galactic gamma-ray lines above 100 GeV, Astronomy & Astrophysics 547, А114 (2012).
- J. Han, C.S. Frenk, V.R. Eke, L. Gao, S.D. White, A. Boyarsky, D. Malyshev, O. Ruchayskiy. Constraining extended gamma-ray emission from galaxy clusters, MNRAS 427, 1651 (2012).
- V.E. Kuzmichev, V.V. Kuzmichev. Two-component perfect fluid in the FRW universe, Acta Phys. Pol. B, V.43, No.9, P.1899-1910 (2012).
- V.E. Kuzmichev, V.V. Kuzmichev. Notes on the production of matter in the Universe, Ukr. J. Phys., V.57, No.4, P.457-461 (2012).
- V.E. Kuzmichev, V.V. Kuzmichev. Comparative analysis of standard ?CDM and ?CS models, Ukr. J. Phys., V.57, No.11, P.1169-1178 (2012).
- L.L. Jenkovszky, I. Nagy. High-energy diffraction of particles and nuclei, Вопросы атомной науки и техники (ВАНТ - VANT), №1, стр. 147-155 (2012).
- R. Fiore, L.L. Jenkovszky, A. Lavorini, V. Magas. On the interplay between Q2 and t dependences in exclusive ep collisions, Ukr. J. Phys., 57, №12, 1197-1204 (2012).
- L.L. Jenkovszky, A. Salii, J. Turoci and D. Himics. Low mass, single- and double diffraction dissociation at the LHC, Odessa Astronomical Publications, v. 25, No. 2, pp. 102-107 (2012).
- Ю.В. Штанов Всесвіт, що розширюється з прискоренням, Вісник НАН України, № 1, стр. 29-40 (2012).
- A.V. Viznyuk, Yu.V. Shtanov. Scalar cosmological perturbations on the brane, Ukr. J. Phys. Vol. 57, No. 12, pp. 1259-1272 (2012).
- A.V. Viznyuk, Yu.V. Shtanov. Scalar cosmological perturbations of pressureless matter in the braneworld model, Odessa Astronomical Publications, Vol. 25, Issue 2, pp. 145-147 (2012).
Articles in journals, other publications
- O.V. Gamayun, E.V. Gorbar, and V.P. Gusynin. Dirac electrons in planar potential well in a magnetic field, Ukr. J. Phys., V. 56, N7, 688-693 (2011).
- L.L. Jenkovszky, O.E. Kuprash, V.K. Magas. Low-Mass Diffraction Dissociation at the LHC. Role of the Background. Український фізичний журнал, т. 56, № 7, ст. 738-749 (2011) .
- Yu.V. Shtanov, D.O. Savchenko. Model-independent estimators for the statistical anisotropy of the cosmic microwave background, Ukr. J. Phys. 56, No. 7, 750-755 (2011).
- V.M. Loktev, M.D. Tomchenko. On the nature of a narrow roton absorption line in the spectrum of a disk-shaped SHF resonator . Ukr. J. Phys., V. 56, № 1, P. 49-63 (2011).
- М.Д. Томченко. К теории электрической активности He-II в опыте со вторым звуком. Доповіді НАН України, № 1, С. 64-69 (2011).
- М.Д. Томченко. Про можливість сухого тертя у надплинному Не4 Укр. Фіз. Журн. 56, № 2, P. 145-147 (2011).
- O.I. Batsula, Local conservation laws in a nonlinear electrodynamics, Укр. фіз. журн. 56, N5, 416-419 (2011).
- P.K. Pyatkovskiy, V.P. Gusynin. Dynamical polarization of monolayer graphene in a magnetic field, Phys. Rev. B 83, 075422 (2011).
- O.V. Gamayun, E.V. Gorbar, and V.P. Gusynin. Magnetic field driven instability of charged center in graphene, Phys. Rev. B 83, 235104 (2011).
- E.V. Gorbar, V.A. Miransky, I.A. Shovkovy. Normal ground state of dense relativistic matter in a magnetic field, Phys. Rev. D 83, 085003 (2011).
- E.V. Gorbar, V.A. Miransky, I.A. Shovkovy. Chiral asymmetry and axial anomaly in magnetized relativistic matter, Phys. Lett. B 695, 354 (2011).
- E.V. Gorbar, V.P. Gusynin, Junji Jia, and V.A. Miransky. Broken-symmetry states and phase diagram of the lowest Landau level in bilayer graphene, Phys. Rev. B 84, 235449 (2011).
- L.L. Jenkovszky, O.E. Kuprash, J.W. Lamsa, V.K. Magas, R. Orava. Dual-Regge Approach to High-Energy, Low-Mass Diffraction Dissociation, Phys.Rev., D83, 056014 (2011).
- L. Jenkovszky, A. Lengyel, D. Lontkovskiy. The Pomeron and Odderon in elastic, inelastic and total cross sections at the LHC, Int. J. Mod. Phys. A 26, 26 & 27, 4755-4771 (2011).
- Laszlo Jenkovszky, Oleg Kuprash, Jerry Lamsa, and Risto Orava. Low-Mass Diffraction at the LHC. Modern Physics Letters, v. 26, Issue: 27, pp. 2029-2037 (2011).
- V.M. Loktev, M.D. Tomchenko. On the mutual polarization of two Не4 atoms, J. Phys. B.: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. V. 44, 035006 (2011).
- M.D. Tomchenko. Theory of the electric activity of He II induced by waves of first and second sound, Phys. Rev. B 83, 094512 (2011).
- M. Chernyakova, D. Malyshev, F.A. Aharonian, R.M. Crocker, D.I. Jones. The High-energy, Arcminute-scale Galactic Center Gamma-ray Source, Astrophysical Journal 726, 60 (2011).
- A. Boyarsky, D. Malyshev, O.Ruchayskiy. A comment on the emission from the Galactic Center as seen by the Fermi telescope, Physics Letters B 705, 165 (2011).
- A. Boyarsky, et al.. An Integrated Socio-Technical Crowdsourcing Platform for Accelerating Returns in eScience, опубліковано в ICWC-2011, Demo papers (Best demo paperaward).
- A. Boyarsky, P. Cudre-Mauroux, G. Demartini, O. Ruchayskiy and K. Aberer. ScienceWISE: A Web-based Interactive Semantic Platform for Scientific Collaboration, ISWC-2011, опубліковано в Outrаgeous Ideas papers (Second best paperaward).
- Р.N. Bogolyubov and L.L. Jenkovszky, Editors. New Trends in High-Energy Physics, ISBN 978-966-02-6199-0, Kiev, 2011.
- E.V. Gorbar, V.A. Miransky, I.A. Shovkovy. Suprises in relativistic matter in a magnetic field, arXiv:1111.3401 (2011).
- V.E. Kuzmichev, V.V. Kuzmichev. K-matter as Mach's principle realization, arXiv:1107.2761 [astro- ph.CO] (2011)- 9 p.
- V.E. Kuzmichev, V.V. Kuzmichev. Low-velocity cosmic strings in accelerating universe, arXiv:1111.0172 [astro-ph.CO] (2011) -14 p.
Articles in journals, other publications
- O.V. Gamayun, E.V. Gorbar, V.P. Gusynin. Excitonic instability and gap generation in monolayer graphene, Ukr. J. Phys., V. 55, 95 (2010).
- V.E. Kuzmichev, V.V. Kuzmichev. Quantum universe on extremely small spacetime scales, Ukr. J. Phys., V.55, P.626-635 (2010).
- V.M. Loktev, M.D. Tomchenko, Electromagnetic and phonon modes for superfluid Не4 with a disk resonator, Ukr. J. Phys., V. 55, № 8, 901-910 (2010).
- В.М. Локтев, М.Д. Томченко. О взаимной поляризации двух атомов Не4. Доповіді НАН України № 5, 76-81 (2010).
- O.V. Gamayun, E.V. Gorbar, V.P. Gusynin. Gap generation and semimetal-insulator phase transition in graphene, Phys. Rev. B, 81, 075429 (2010).
- E.V. Gorbar, V.P. Gusynin, V.A. Miransky. Dynamics and phase diagram of the EMBED Microsoft Equation 3.0 quantum Hall state in bilayer graphene, Phys. Rev. B 81, 155451 (2010).
- E.V. Gorbar, V.P. Gusynin, V.A. Miransky. Energy gaps at neutrality point in bilayer graphene in a magnetic field, Pisma v ZhETF, 91, 334 (2010).
- R. Fiore, L. Jenkovszky, E. Kuraev, A. Lengyel and Z. Tarics. Predictions for high-energy pp and bar pp cross sections from a finite sum of gluon ladders, Phys. Rev. D 81 (2010) 056001.
- L.A. Bulavin, L.L. Jenkovszky, S.M. Troshin, and N.E. Tyurin. Critical Phenomena in High-Energy Lepton- and Hadron-Induced Reactions, Physics of Particles and Nuclei Vol. 41, No. 6 (2010) 924-927, Pleiades Publishing, Ltd., 2010.
- L.L. Jenkovszky, Risto Orava and R. Schicker, Gluons and diffraction, CERN Courier, Nov. 2010.
- L. Jenkovszky, Andrea Nagy, S.M. Troshin, Jolan Turoci, N.E. Tyurin, Critical Phenomena in DIS, hep-ph/1009.1632, International Journal of Modern Physics A (December, 2010).
- K. Krasnov, Yu. Shtanov. Cosmological perturbations in a family of deformations of general relativity, JCAP 06, 006 (2010).
- Yu. Shtanov. Statistical anisotropy as a consequence of inflation, Ann. Phys. (Berlin) 19, 332 (2010).
- Yu. Shtanov, V. Sahni. Generalizing the Cosmic Energy Equation, Phys. Rev. D 82, 101503(R) (2010).
- A. Boyarsky, O. Ruchayskiy, D. Iakubovskyi, M. G. Walker, S. Riemer-Sorensen, S. H. Hansen. Searching for dark matter in X-rays: how to check the dark matter origin of a spectral feature, Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. V. 393, 1034- 1040 (2010).
- M.D. Tomchenko. Some mechanisms of spontaneous polarization of superfluid Не4 J. Low Temp. Phys. V. 158, № 5/6, 854-866 (2010).
- V.M. Loktev, M.D. Tomchenko. Тheory of a supernarrow absorption line in the spectrum of a disk-shaped microwave resonator. Phys. Rev. B 82, 172501-4 (2010).
- I. Telezhinsky, D. Eckert, V. Savchenko, A. Neronov, N. Produit, T. J.-L. Courvoisier. The catalog of variable sources detected by INTEGRAL. I. Catalog and techniques, Astronomy and Astrophysics, Volume 522, A68 (2010).
- A. Neronov, V. Savchenko. Gamma ray emission from magnetized relativistic GRB outflows, Astronomy and Astrophysics, Volume 520, L1 (2010).
- V. Savchenko, A. Neronov, V. Beckmann, N. Produit, R. Walter. SGR-like flaring activity of the anomalous X-ray pulsar 1E 1547.0-5408, Astronomy and Astrophysics, Volume 510, A77 (2010)
- D. Eckert, V. Savchenko, N. Produit, C. Ferrigno. INTEGRAL probes the morphology of the Crab nebula in hard X-rays/soft γ-rays, Astronomy and Astrophysics, Volume 509, A33 (2010).
- D. Malyshev, S. Gabici, L. O'C. Drury, F.A. Aharonian. A simple model for electron plasma heating in supernova remnants, Astronomy and Astrophysics, Volume 521, A14 (2010).
- О.П. Новак, Р.И. Холодов, П.И. Фомин. Рождение пары электроном в магнитном поле вблизи порога процесса, ЖЭТФ, т. 137, вып. 6., с.1120-1125 (2010).
- Yu.A. Sitenko, N.D. Vlasii. The Aharonov-Bohm effect in conical space, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 43, 354014 (2010).
- P.K. Pyatkovskiy, V.P. Gusynin. Dynamical polarization of monolayer graphene in a magnetic field, arxiv:1009.5980 (2010).
- L.L. Jenkovszky, O.E. Kuprash, J.W. Lamsa, V.K. Magas, R. Orava. Dual-Regge Approach to High- Energy, Low-Mass Diffraction Dissociation, arXiv:1011.0664.
- V.V. Kuzmichev, V.E. Kuzmichev. Dark energy and light WIMP dark matter from the cosmological point of view, arXiv:1005.0924 [astro-ph.CO] (2010) 9 p.
- V.V. Kuzmichev, V.E. Kuzmichev. Production of matter in the universe via after-GUT interaction, arXiv:1011.6196 [astro-ph.CO] (2010) 14 p.
- M. Malygin, D. Iakubovskyi. Search for cyclotron absorptions from magnetars in the quiescence with XMM-Newton, arXiv:1009.2113.
- Yu.A. Sitenko, N.D. Vlasii. Diffraction and quasiclassical limit of the Aharonov-Bohm effect, arXiv:1005.4804[quant-ph].
Papers at conferences and seminars
- Yu. Shtanov. Issues of resolution in cosmological N-body simulations of warm dark matter, Relativistic Astrophysics, Gravitation and Cosmology, Kiev, AO KNU, May 26-28, 2010.