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Archive 2010-2015
Department of Quantum Theory of Molecules and Crystals
Articles in journals, other publications
- В.О. Леонов, Є.В. Шевченко, Е.Г. Петров. Формування електролюмінесценції в системі електрод-молекула-електрод. - УФЖ, 2014, 59, № 6, 629-640. [V.O. Leonov, Ye.V. Shevchenko, E.G. Petrov. Formation of Electroluminescence in an Electrode-Molecule-Electrode System. - Ukr. J. Phys., 2014. 59, No. 6, 628-639.]
- С.В. Снегір, О.Л. Капітанчук, О.А. Кошова, А.А. Марченко. СТМ-дослідження впорядкування молекул діарилетенів на поверхні Аu(111), Хімія, фізика та технологія поверхні, 2014, 5, № 3, 275-283.
- E.G. Petrov, A. Marchenko, O.L. Kapitanchuk, N. Katsonis, D. Fichou. Conductance mechanism in a linear non-conjugated trimethylsilyl-acetylene molecule: Tunneling through localized states. - Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst., 2014, 589, № 1, 3-17.
- L. Malysheva, O. Kapitanchuk, A. Onipko. Three-dimensional networks of hydrogen bonds in periodic arrays of molecular modules containing amide-(ethylene glycol) and amide-(ethylene glycol)-amide: Ab initio picture, Chem. Phys. Lett., 591, 197-202 (2014).
- S.V. Snegir, O.L. Kapitanchuk, E. Lacaze, A. Marchenko. STM study of self-organization of 10CB molecules on Au(111) surface. - Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst., 2014, 589, № 1, 90-95.
- S.V. Snegir, Pei Yu, F. Maurel, O.L. Kapitanchuk, A. Marchenko, E. Lacaze. Switching at the nanoscale: light- and STM-tip-induced switch of a thiolated diarylethene self assembly on Au(111). - Langmuir, 2014, 30, № 45, 13556-63.
- P. Sleczkowski, N. Katsonis, O. Kapitanchuk, A. Marchenko, F. Mathevet, B. Croset, E. Lacaze. Emergence of chirality in hexagonally packed monolayers of hexapentyloxytriphenylene on Au(111): A joint experimental and theoretical study. - Langmuir, 2014, 30, № 44, 13275-82.
- O.L. Kapitanchuk, V.I. Teslenko. Fractional cooperativity of the few-level system contacting with the environment. - Int. J. Chem. Phys., 2014, № 2, 1-25.
- Y. Zelinskyy and V. May. Charge transmission through a molecular junction: Voltage pulse induced transient currents. - Chem. Phys., 2014, 439, 17-29.
Articles in journals, other publications
- В.А. Леонов, Э.Г. Петров. Пиковый и стационарный фототоки в молекулярном диоде, - Письма в ЖЭТФ, 2013, 97, № 9, 634-631. [E.G. Petrov, V.O. Leonov. Peak and steady state photocurrents in a molecular diode. - JETP Letters, 2013, 97, No. 9, 549-556.]
- E.G. Petrov, V.O. Leonov, V. Snitsarev. Transient photocurrent in molecular junctions: singlet switching on and triplet blocking. - J. Chem. Phys., 2013, 138, 184709-(1-11).
- E.G. Petrov. Coarse-grained kinetic equations for quantum systems. - Eur. Phys. J. Special Topics, 2013, 216, No. 1, 205-212.
- V.I. Teslenko, O.L. Kapitanchuk. Theory of kinetics of multistep ligand-receptor assembly in dissipating and fluctuating environments. - Int. J. Mod. Phys. B, 2013, 27, 1350169(1-32).
- Y. Zelinskyy, Y. Zhang, and V. May. Photoinduced Dynamics in a Molecule Metal Nanoparticle Complex: Mean-Field Approximation Versus Exact Treatment of the Interaction. - J. Chem. Phys., 2013, 138, 114704(1-11).
- G. Kyas, Y. Zelinskyy, Y. Zhang, and V. May. Spatio-Temporal Excitation Energy Localization in a Supramolecular Complex Coupled to a Metal-Nanoparticle. - Ann. Phys. (Berlin), 2013, 525, 189-198 (special issue Ultrafast Phenomena at the Nanoscale).
- Y. Zhang, Y. Zelinskyy, and V. May. Plasmon enchanced electroluminescence of a single molecule: A theoretical study. - Phys. Rev. B, 2013, 88, 155426(1-13).
Articles in journals, other publications
- В.І. Тесленко, О.Л. Капітанчук. Динаміка перехідних процесів у незворотних кінетичних моделях. - УФЖ, 2012, 57, № 5, 574-584. [V.I. Teslenko, O.L. Kapitanchuk. Dynamics of transient processes in irreversible kinetic models. - Ukr. J. Phis., 2012, 57, №5, 573-583.]
- E.G. Petrov, V.O. Leonov, V. May, P. Hanggi. Transient currents in a molecular photo-diode. - Chem. Phys., 2012, 407, 53-64.
- Э.Г. Петров, В.А. Леонов, Е.В. Шевченко. Кинетика формирования тока в молекулярном диоде. - ФНТ, 2012, 38, №5, 549-559. [E.G. Petrov, V.O. Leonov, Ye.V. Shevchenko. - Kinetics of current formation in a molecular diode. - Low Temp. Phys., 2012, 38, 428-436].
- Y. Zelinskyy, Y. Zhang, V. May. - A Supramolecular Complex Coupled to a Metal Nanoparticle: Computational Studies on the Optical Absorption. - J. Phys. Chem. A, Joern-Manz-Festschrift, 2012, 116, 11330-11340.
- J. Megow, Y. Zelinskyy, B. Roder, A. Kulesza, D. Mitric, and V. May. Transient Absorption Spectra of Excitation Energy Transfer in Supramolecular Complexes: A Mixed Quantum-Classical Description of Pheophorbide-a Systems. - Chem. Phys. Lett., 2012, 522, 103-107.
- Y. Zelinskyy, V. May. Photoinduced Switching of the Current through a Single Molecule: Effects of Surface Plasmon Excitations of The Leads. - Nano Lett., 2012, 12, 446-452.
Articles in journals, other publications
- E.G. Petrov, Kinetics of charge transfer processes in molecular junctions, Ukr. J. Phys., Vol. 56, p. 721-731 (2011).
- V.I. Teslenko, D.Y. Iatsenko, Kinetics of thermal excitation of a molecule in a condensed medium, Ukr. J. Phys., Vol. 56, p. 714-720 (2011).
- А.І. Сененко, О.А. Марченко, А.Г. Наумовець, Д.Т. Таращенко, Д.А. Глубоков, Я.З. Волошин, О.А. Варзацький, О.Л. Капітанчук, Самоорганізація молекул гексадецилборної кислоти на атомно-гладкій поверхні графіту, УФЖ, Т. 56, с. 1091-1096 (2011).
- E.G. Petrov, Ye.V. Shevchenko, V. May, P. Hanggi, Transient switch-on/off currents in molecular junctions, J. Chem. Phys., Vol. 134, 204701(1-16) (2011).
- Y. Zelinskyy, V. May, Optical Properties of Supramolecular Complexes Coupled to a Metal-Nanoparticle: A Computational Study, Chem. Phys. Lett., Vol. 511, p. 372-377 (2011).
- S.V. Snegir, A.A. Marchenko, Pei Yu, F. Maurel, O.L. Kapitanchuk, S. Mazerat, M. Lepeltier, A. Leaustic, E. Lacaze, STM observation of open- and closed-ring forms of functionalized diarylethene molecules self-assembled on a Au(111) surface, J. Phys. Chem. Lett., Vol. 2, p. 2433-2436 (2011).
Articles in journals, other publications
- Е.Г. Петров, Є.В. Шевченко. Регулювання тунельної провідності молекули електричним полем затвора. - УФЖ, 2010, 55, № 6, 741-746.
- E.G. Petrov. Master equation for state occupancies of an open quantum system. - Ukr. J. Phys., 2010, 55, No. 1, 121-128.
- V.I. Teslenko, E.G. Petrov, A. Verkhatsky, O.A. Kryshtal. Novel mechanism for temperature-independent transitions in flexible molecules: Role of thermodynamic fluctuations. - Phys. Rev. Lett., 2010, 104, 178105(1-4).
- E.G. Petrov, V.I. Teslenko. Kinetics of quasi-isoenergetic transition processes in biological macromolecules. - Chem. Phys., 2010, 375, 243-251.
- E.G. Petrov, V. Ostrovskyy. Single-magnon tunneling through a ferromagnetic nanochain. - Физ. Низк. Темп., 2010, 36, № 8/9, 958-963.
- P. Keg, A. Dell'Aquila, F. Marinelli, O.L. Kapitanchuk, D. Fichou, P. Mastrorilli, G. Romanazzi, G.P. Suranna, L. Torsi, Y.M. Lam, S.G. Mhaisalkar. Solution processable ter-anthrylene-ethynylenes semiconductors: thin film transistor properties and STM study on HOPG and Au(111). - Journal of Materials Chemistry, 2010, 20, 2448-2456.