Bogolyubov Institute for Theoretical Physics
of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Vladimir A. Babenko
Department of Theory of Nuclei and Quantum Field Theory
Position: Senior Researcher

Yuri I. Bespalov
Laborarory of Theory of Integrable Systems
Position: Researcher

Oleg A. Borisenko
Department of High-Density Energy Physics
Position: Leading Researcher

Dmitry L. Borisyuk
Department of High-Density Energy Physics
Position: Senior Researcher

Larissa S. Brizhik
Department of Theory of Nonlinear Processes in Condensed Matter
Position: Head of the Department

Tetiana L. Bubon
Laboratory of Biophysics of Macromolecules
Position: Junior Researcher

Daryna V. Bukatova
Laboratory of Strongly-correlated Low Dimensional Systems
Ph.D. Student