Bogolyubov Institute for Theoretical Physics
of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Department of Computer Maintenance
  • The highly reliable cloud infrastructure under control OpenStack system has been built on the base of computing cluster of the Bogolyubov Institute for Theoretical Physics of the NAS of Ukraine. BITP cloud infrastructure is the first Ukrainian cloud resource which has been integrated in the EGI Federal Cloud. The integration of BITP cloud infrastructure to CERN cloud infrastructure has been done to perform of data processing of ALICE experiment.
    S.Ya. Svistunov
  • Highly accurate numerical simulations are employed to highlight the subtle but important differences in the mechanical stability of perfect crystalline solids versus amorphous solids. We stress the difference between strain values at which the shear modulus vanishes and strain values at which a plastic instability ensues.
    V.V. Dailidonis
  • Performance reliability of Basic coordination centre and Regional operation centre has been secured. The core grid services that provide the functioning of grid infrastructure of Ukraine (NGI_UA) as parts of have been supported. New grid services to provide integration to the European and world grid infrastructures were implemented.
    S.Ya. Svistunov
  • Grid applications to diagnose the nature and degree of disorders by searching for the clusters of permanent interaction level in evaluating diagnostic data obtained by SCT, MRI and MR spectroscopy have been developed in collaboration with experts of State Institution "Institute of Nuclear Medicine and Diagnostic Radiology" of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine. These grid applications were integrated into the Web portal (Virtual Imaging Platform) that makes possible to provide the scientific substantiation of practical recommendations to improve the therapeutic process.
    S.Ya. Svistunov
  • Available methods and software have been studied with purpose to build the integrated infrastructure for parallel computing, which consists of traditional grid infrastructure and cloud infrastructure, and to provide a user-friendly interface for access to the resources. The standard cloud infrastructure to perform the numerical calculations was built on the BITP cluster using OpenStack program.
    S.Ya. Svistunov
  • We present a method that was carefully geared to allow loading under stress control either at T = 0 or at any other temperature, using Monte Carlo techniques. The method is applied to a model-perfect crystalline solid, to a crystalline solid contaminated with topological defects, and to a generic glass. The main conclusion is that the instabilities encountered in stress-control condition are the identical saddle-node bifurcation seen in strain control.
    V.V. Dailidonis