Bogolyubov Institute for Theoretical Physics
of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Department of Quantum Theory of Molecules and Crystals
Articles in journals, other publications
  1. В.О. Леонов, Є.В. Шевченко, Е.Г. Петров. Формування електролюмінесценції в системі електрод-молекула-електрод. - УФЖ, 2014, 59, № 6, 629-640. [V.O. Leonov, Ye.V. Shevchenko, E.G. Petrov. Formation of Electroluminescence in an Electrode-Molecule-Electrode System. - Ukr. J. Phys., 2014. 59, No. 6, 628-639.]
  2. С.В. Снегір, О.Л. Капітанчук, О.А. Кошова, А.А. Марченко. СТМ-дослідження впорядкування молекул діарилетенів на поверхні Аu(111), Хімія, фізика та технологія поверхні, 2014, 5, № 3, 275-283.
  3. E.G. Petrov, A. Marchenko, O.L. Kapitanchuk, N. Katsonis, D. Fichou. Conductance mechanism in a linear non-conjugated trimethylsilyl-acetylene molecule: Tunneling through localized states. - Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst., 2014, 589, № 1, 3-17.
  4. L. Malysheva, O. Kapitanchuk, A. Onipko. Three-dimensional networks of hydrogen bonds in periodic arrays of molecular modules containing amide-(ethylene glycol) and amide-(ethylene glycol)-amide: Ab initio picture, Chem. Phys. Lett., 591, 197-202 (2014).
  5. S.V. Snegir, O.L. Kapitanchuk, E. Lacaze, A. Marchenko. STM study of self-organization of 10CB molecules on Au(111) surface. - Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst., 2014, 589, № 1, 90-95.
  6. S.V. Snegir, Pei Yu, F. Maurel, O.L. Kapitanchuk, A. Marchenko, E. Lacaze. Switching at the nanoscale: light- and STM-tip-induced switch of a thiolated diarylethene self assembly on Au(111). - Langmuir, 2014, 30, № 45, 13556-63.
  7. P. Sleczkowski, N. Katsonis, O. Kapitanchuk, A. Marchenko, F. Mathevet, B. Croset, E. Lacaze. Emergence of chirality in hexagonally packed monolayers of hexapentyloxytriphenylene on Au(111): A joint experimental and theoretical study. - Langmuir, 2014, 30, № 44, 13275-82.
  8. O.L. Kapitanchuk, V.I. Teslenko. Fractional cooperativity of the few-level system contacting with the environment. - Int. J. Chem. Phys., 2014, № 2, 1-25.
  9. Y. Zelinskyy and V. May. Charge transmission through a molecular junction: Voltage pulse induced transient currents. - Chem. Phys., 2014, 439, 17-29.
Articles in journals, other publications
  1. В.А. Леонов, Э.Г. Петров. Пиковый и стационарный фототоки в молекулярном диоде, - Письма в ЖЭТФ, 2013, 97, № 9, 634-631. [E.G. Petrov, V.O. Leonov. Peak and steady state photocurrents in a molecular diode. - JETP Letters, 2013, 97, No. 9, 549-556.]
  2. E.G. Petrov, V.O. Leonov, V. Snitsarev. Transient photocurrent in molecular junctions: singlet switching on and triplet blocking. - J. Chem. Phys., 2013, 138, 184709-(1-11).
  3. E.G. Petrov. Coarse-grained kinetic equations for quantum systems. - Eur. Phys. J. Special Topics, 2013, 216, No. 1, 205-212.
  4. V.I. Teslenko, O.L. Kapitanchuk. Theory of kinetics of multistep ligand-receptor assembly in dissipating and fluctuating environments. - Int. J. Mod. Phys. B, 2013, 27, 1350169(1-32).
  5. Y. Zelinskyy, Y. Zhang, and V. May. Photoinduced Dynamics in a Molecule Metal Nanoparticle Complex: Mean-Field Approximation Versus Exact Treatment of the Interaction. - J. Chem. Phys., 2013, 138, 114704(1-11).
  6. G. Kyas, Y. Zelinskyy, Y. Zhang, and V. May. Spatio-Temporal Excitation Energy Localization in a Supramolecular Complex Coupled to a Metal-Nanoparticle. - Ann. Phys. (Berlin), 2013, 525, 189-198 (special issue Ultrafast Phenomena at the Nanoscale).
  7. Y. Zhang, Y. Zelinskyy, and V. May. Plasmon enchanced electroluminescence of a single molecule: A theoretical study. - Phys. Rev. B, 2013, 88, 155426(1-13).
Articles in journals, other publications
  1. В.І. Тесленко, О.Л. Капітанчук. Динаміка перехідних процесів у незворотних кінетичних моделях. - УФЖ, 2012, 57, № 5, 574-584. [V.I. Teslenko, O.L. Kapitanchuk. Dynamics of transient processes in irreversible kinetic models. - Ukr. J. Phis., 2012, 57, №5, 573-583.]
  2. E.G. Petrov, V.O. Leonov, V. May, P. Hanggi. Transient currents in a molecular photo-diode. - Chem. Phys., 2012, 407, 53-64.
  3. Э.Г. Петров, В.А. Леонов, Е.В. Шевченко. Кинетика формирования тока в молекулярном диоде. - ФНТ, 2012, 38, №5, 549-559. [E.G. Petrov, V.O. Leonov, Ye.V. Shevchenko. - Kinetics of current formation in a molecular diode. - Low Temp. Phys., 2012, 38, 428-436].
  4. Y. Zelinskyy, Y. Zhang, V. May. - A Supramolecular Complex Coupled to a Metal Nanoparticle: Computational Studies on the Optical Absorption. - J. Phys. Chem. A, Joern-Manz-Festschrift, 2012, 116, 11330-11340.
  5. J. Megow, Y. Zelinskyy, B. Roder, A. Kulesza, D. Mitric, and V. May. Transient Absorption Spectra of Excitation Energy Transfer in Supramolecular Complexes: A Mixed Quantum-Classical Description of Pheophorbide-a Systems. - Chem. Phys. Lett., 2012, 522, 103-107.
  6. Y. Zelinskyy, V. May. Photoinduced Switching of the Current through a Single Molecule: Effects of Surface Plasmon Excitations of The Leads. - Nano Lett., 2012, 12, 446-452.
Articles in journals, other publications
  1. E.G. Petrov, Kinetics of charge transfer processes in molecular junctions, Ukr. J. Phys., Vol. 56, p. 721-731 (2011).
  2. V.I. Teslenko, D.Y. Iatsenko, Kinetics of thermal excitation of a molecule in a condensed medium, Ukr. J. Phys., Vol. 56, p. 714-720 (2011).
  3. А.І. Сененко, О.А. Марченко, А.Г. Наумовець, Д.Т. Таращенко, Д.А. Глубоков, Я.З. Волошин, О.А. Варзацький, О.Л. Капітанчук, Самоорганізація молекул гексадецилборної кислоти на атомно-гладкій поверхні графіту, УФЖ, Т. 56, с. 1091-1096 (2011).
  4. E.G. Petrov, Ye.V. Shevchenko, V. May, P. Hanggi, Transient switch-on/off currents in molecular junctions, J. Chem. Phys., Vol. 134, 204701(1-16) (2011).
  5. Y. Zelinskyy, V. May, Optical Properties of Supramolecular Complexes Coupled to a Metal-Nanoparticle: A Computational Study, Chem. Phys. Lett., Vol. 511, p. 372-377 (2011).
  6. S.V. Snegir, A.A. Marchenko, Pei Yu, F. Maurel, O.L. Kapitanchuk, S. Mazerat, M. Lepeltier, A. Leaustic, E. Lacaze, STM observation of open- and closed-ring forms of functionalized diarylethene molecules self-assembled on a Au(111) surface, J. Phys. Chem. Lett., Vol. 2, p. 2433-2436 (2011).
Articles in journals, other publications
  1. Е.Г. Петров, Є.В. Шевченко. Регулювання тунельної провідності молекули електричним полем затвора. - УФЖ, 2010, 55, № 6, 741-746.
  2. E.G. Petrov. Master equation for state occupancies of an open quantum system. - Ukr. J. Phys., 2010, 55, No. 1, 121-128.
  3. V.I. Teslenko, E.G. Petrov, A. Verkhatsky, O.A. Kryshtal. Novel mechanism for temperature-independent transitions in flexible molecules: Role of thermodynamic fluctuations. - Phys. Rev. Lett., 2010, 104, 178105(1-4).
  4. E.G. Petrov, V.I. Teslenko. Kinetics of quasi-isoenergetic transition processes in biological macromolecules. - Chem. Phys., 2010, 375, 243-251.
  5. E.G. Petrov, V. Ostrovskyy. Single-magnon tunneling through a ferromagnetic nanochain. - Физ. Низк. Темп., 2010, 36, № 8/9, 958-963.
  6. P. Keg, A. Dell'Aquila, F. Marinelli, O.L. Kapitanchuk, D. Fichou, P. Mastrorilli, G. Romanazzi, G.P. Suranna, L. Torsi, Y.M. Lam, S.G. Mhaisalkar. Solution processable ter-anthrylene-ethynylenes semiconductors: thin film transistor properties and STM study on HOPG and Au(111). - Journal of Materials Chemistry, 2010, 20, 2448-2456.