Bogolyubov Institute for Theoretical Physics
of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

List of Departments
Department of Computer Maintenance

The head of the department is Serhiy Ya. Svistunov, Candidate of Technical Sciences.

Research topics
  • Introduction in Ukraine of a system of spatially distributed computing, which is called a grid
  • Combining grid and cloud computing
  • Development of scientific gateways
  • Development of load balancing tools in grid systems
Sergiy Ya. Svistunov
Position: Head of the Department

Lyudmila O. Avramenko
Position: Leading Engineer

Volodymyr V. Dailidonis
Position: Leading Engineer

Ivan M. Makovsky
Position: Leading Engineer

Vladimir V. Pelykh
Position: Leading Engineer

Olga V. Ugryumova
Position: Leading Engineer
  • The most important result of the project "Support of the Basic Coordination Center and the Regional Grid Operation Center at the Institute of Theoretical Physics named after M.M. Bogolyubov of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and the development of grid-cloud services to ensure their reliable functioning" is to ensure the reliable operation of computing and cloud clusters in the Center for Collective Use "Resource Center for Grid and Cloud Technologies" at the Institute of Theoretical Physics named after M.M. Bogolyubova of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.
    S.Ya. Svistunov, Yu.V. Gonchar, V.V. Pelykh
  • The support of the reliable operation of HPC and cloud clusters in the Center of Common Usage "Resource center for grid and cloud technologies" at the Bogolyubov Institute for Theoretical Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine has been provided in time of martial law. As part of the project on the Horizon 2020 program in cooperation with the working groups of the EGI has been implemented to reorient users from research institutes NASU to use the available EOSC resources and EOSC services for to ensure the continuity of scientific work in Ukraine. The training users for applying EOSC services was carried out.
    S.Ya. Svistunov
  • The reliable operation of HPC and cloud clusters in the Center for Common Usages "Resource Center for Grid and Cloud Technologies" at the Bogolyubov Institute of Theoretical Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine has been provided. Support for EOSC services as well as the user training on access to cloud services in EOSC were provided in cooperation with the EGI Working groups on coordination and planning of strategic activities for the distribution of EOSC Services. The UA-BITP cloud cluster matches up all demands to cloud resources in the EGI Federal Cloud and is included into the European infrastructure for supporting the European Open Science Cloud.
    S.Ya. Svistunov
  • The reliable work of computing and cloud clusters in the Center for Collective Use "Resource Center for Grid and Cloud Technologies" at the Bogolyubov Institute for Theoretical Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (BITP) is supported. In particular, the operating system version to CentOS 7 and the middleware to ARC 6 are upgraded according to EGI requirements. Servers such as and are configured to ensure the reliable operation of the UA-BITP grid site and data processing of the ALICE experiment at CERN. The international scientific cooperation of Academy scientists in high-energy physics and astrophysics, molecular and cell biology, Earth sciences and other fields of research strengthened.
  • In 2020 the BITP and the EGI Foundation signed an agreement that validates associate membership of Ukraine in (EGI Associated Participants) and legalizes the BITP as a candidate member of the European Cloud of Open Science (EOSC) Association that represents Ukraine. The BITP representation in these respected international organizations provides active participation of the Ukrainian grid community in the formation of the EOSC and participation in the competition of European projects on equal rights.
    S.Ya. Svistunov, I.M. Makovsky, V.V. Pelykh
  • Thanks to the financial support of the NAS of Ukraine in 2019, modern server equipment was purchased and a cloud cluster was installed at the Collective Use Center "Resource Center for Grid and Cloud Technologies" at the Bogolyubov Institute of Theoretical Physics of the NAS of Ukraine. 10 computing servers based on Intel (R) Xeon (R) Silver 4116 CPUs and Intel (R) Xeon (R) Silver4216 CPUs form the basis of the cloud cluster. Currently, the total cloud cluster processing power is 576 virtual processors, 2560 Gb of RAM and 200 Tb of storage. For all servers the Ubuntu Server 18.04.2 LTS x64 operating system has been installed and OpenStackRocky cloud-based services have been deployed. Subsequently, the certification of the cloud cluster in accordance with the requirements of the EGI FederalCloud project was carried out and, after successful testing, the cloud cluster (registration name - UA-BITP) was put into technological operation. At present, the UA-BITP cloud site is the only one cloud resource in Ukraine that meets all of EGI FederalCloud's cloud resource requirements and includes the European cloud infrastructure to support the European Open Science Cloud. Due to the high reliability of work and the provision of computational resources for sharing, the international scientific cooperation of researchers of NAS of Ukraine in such fields as high energy physics and astrophysics, molecular biology, cell biology, Earth sciences and other ones is increased.
    S.Ya. Svistunov, I.M. Makovsky, V.V. Pelykh
  • The support of the BITP industrial cloud infrastructure which is based on OpenStack and distributed filesystem Ceph was provided. The services to ensure reliable operation of the BITP industrial cloud infrastructure for guaranteed data processing of the ALICE experiment at CERN using the HTCondor system was developed and implemented to support the scientific computing.
    S.Ya. Svistunov
Papers at conferences and seminars
  1. Доповідь Свістунов С.Я. «Принципи роботи HPC на прикладі комп’ютерного кластеру ІТФ ім. М.М. Боголюбова НАН України», Студентська наукова школа-семінар «Комп’ютерна фізика ДНК», 17-19 травня 2023 року в Інституті теоретичної фіщики ім. М.М. Боголюбова НАН України.
  2. Доповідь на ІІ міжнародної конференції "Відкрита наука та інновації в Україні 2023" (OSICU2023)
  3. Vadim Tulchinsky, Sergiy Svistunov, Yuriy Kapitsa, Oleksandr Khimich -On the Distributed Open Research Infrastructure of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.
Articles in journals, other publications
  1. За матеріалами конференції УкрПРОГ-2022 підготовано статтю: Сергій Свістунов, Петро Перконос, Валерій Резніченко, Сергій Суботін, Євген Твердохліб – «ОСОБЛИВОСТІ ФОРМУВАННЯ ІНФРАСТРУКТУРИ ВІДКРИТОЇ НАУКИ В УКРАЇНІ»
Articles in journals, other publications
  1. V. Dailidonis, V. Ilyin, I. Procaccia and Carmel A. B. Z. Shor. Breakdown of nonlinear elasticity in stress-controlled thermal amorphous solids, Phys. Rev. E 95, 031001(R) (2017) DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.95.031001