Welcome to Bogolyubov Kyiv Conference!
The Conference "Problems of Theoretical and Mathematical Physics" will be held on September 24-26, 2019, in Kyiv, Ukraine. The Conference is organized by the Bogolyubov Institute for Theoretical Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and the Institute for Mathematics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. The Conference is dedicated to the 110th anniversary of the outstanding physicist and mathematician Mykola Bogolyubov (1909-1992).
The Conference will be organized as sessions with invited talks (35 min), plenary talks (25 min) and poster presentations.
The working languages of the Conference are English and Ukrainian.
The Conference fee is 300 UAH, payable during registration in Kyiv. The fee will cover organization expenses and conference materials, and does not include costs of accommodation and meals.
Conference Topics
Theoretical and Mathematical Physics
14-b Metrolohichna Str, Kyiv, Ukraine
- Particles and Fields
- Statistical Physics and Kinetic Theory
- Nuclear Matter
- Condensed Matter Physics
Mathematics and Mathematical Physics
3 Tereschenkivska Str, Kyiv, Ukraine
Invited Speakers
- Amusia M.
- Bakai O.
- Beenakker C.
- Bogolyubov (Jr.) N.
- Castro Neto A.
- Gerasymov O.
- Gusak A.
- Gusynin V.
- Holovko M.
- Mryglod I.
- Pastur L.
- Petrov E.
- Shul’ga N.
- Slyusarenko Yu.
- Varlamov A.
- Yukhnovsky I.
Organizing Committee
- Zagorodny A.G.
- Samoilenko A.M.
Scientific secretary
- Brizhik L.S.
Members of organizing commitee
Amusia M.Israel
Bakai O.S.
Baryakhtar V.G.
Beenakker C.The Netherlands
Boichuk O.A.
Castro Neto A.H.Singapore
Gavrilik O.M.
Gusak A.M.
Gusynin V.P.
Kochelap V.O.
Kushnir R.M.
Lev B.I.
Loktev V.M.
Mryglod I.M.
Pastur L.A.
Perestyuk M.O.
Petrov E.G.
Rebenko O.L.
Ruffo S.Italy
Shulga M.F.
Sitenko Yu.O.
Skrypnik I.I.
Slyusarenko Yu.V.
Tomchuk P.M.
Varlamov A.Italy
Yukhnovsky I.R.
Zasenko V.I.
Zinovjev G.M.
Local organizing committee
- Dailidonis V.V.
- Hlushko M.I.
- Perepelytsya S.M.
- Rebesh A.P.
- Zasenko V.I.
- Zhokhin A.S.
Bogolyubov Institute for Theoretical Physics
14-b Metrolohichna Str.
Kyiv 03143, Ukraine
E-mail: bogolyubov2019@bitp.kiev.ua
Web: https://bitp.kiev.ua