Bogolyubov Institute for Theoretical Physics
of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Peter Hänggi
(A Brief Biographical Sketch)

Peter Hänggi , born 29 Nov. 1950 in Switzerland, is known for many ground-breaking contributions in the area of statistical physics and driven quantum mechanics which he achieved at the Polytechnic Institute of New York and the University of Augsburg. He is worldwide known for his seminal contributions to reaction rate theory, driven quantum mechanics and quantum dissipation. Main discoveries of his include the detailed description of phenomenon of Stochastic Resonance, his discovery of coherent destruction of tunnelling and his initiation of the field of Brownian motors. He has been awarded with 8 doctors honoris causa and holds a honorary professorship at the Beijing Normal University. Among his many international prizes and awards are the RIKEN eminent scientist award, the Smoluchowski medal of the Jagellonian University in Krakow, the Chair of Physics Elena Aizen de Moshinsky from the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), the prestigious Lindhard Lecture award 2010, and alike, the Lars Onsager medal 2011 and The Lars Onsager Lecture 2011.

He is an elected member of the National Academy for Sciences Leopoldina and the Academy Europaea, and as well, an elected member of the Max-Planck society and external member of the MPI-PKS in Dresden, Germany. Furthermore, he is selected for due to his exceptional citation count in the field of Physics and elected as outstanding referee of the APS.

His main scientific interests are:
  • Theoretical physics – Statistical Physics
  • Dissipative quantum systems, physical biology, molecular electronics
  • Stochastic phenomena, nonlinear dynamics, control of quantum transport
  • Quantum information processing, Brownian motors, Relativistic Brownian motion and Relativistic Thermodynamics
His International Activities involve:

Publication Data:
Peter Hänggi has published over 550 original papers; 66 publications of those are cited at least 66 times (66 = H-index); 4 items > 500, 16 > 200 and 39 > 100 citations each, as of January 2011, total # cites on ISI-WoS ca. 25.000.
His ResearcherID is: B-4457-2008.

Major survey articles of his are:
Reviews of Modern Physics
P. Hänggi, P. Talkner, and M. Borkovec, Reaction Rate Theory: Fifty Years After Kramers, Rev. Mod. Phys. 62: 251-342 (1990)
L. Gammaitoni, P. Hänggi, P. Jung, and F. Marchesoni, Stochastic Resonance, Rev. Mod. Phys. 70: 223-288 (1998)
P. Hänggi and F. Marchesoni, Artificial Brownian motors: Controlling transport on the nanoscale , Rev. Mod. Phys. 81, 387-442 (2009)
M. Campisi. P. Hänggi, and P. Talkner, Colloquium: Quantum Fluctuation Relations -- Foundations and Applications, arXiv:1012.2268 (invited article for Rev. Mod. Phys).
Physics Reports:
P. Hänggi and H. Thomas, Stochastic Processes: Time-Evolution, Symmetries and Linear Response, Phys. Rep. 88: 207-319 (1982)
M. Grifoni and P. Hänggi, Driven Quantum Tunneling, Phys. Rep. 304: 229-358 (1998)
S. Kohler, J. Lehmann and P. Hänggi, Driven quantum transport on the nanoscale, Phys. Rep. 406: 379-443 (2005)
J. Dunkel and P. Hänggi, Relativistic Brownian motion, Phys. Rep. 471: 1-73 (2009)
Advances in Chemical Physics:
P. Hänggi and P. Jung, Colored Noise in Dynamical Systems, Advances in Chem. Phys., Vol. 89: 239-326 (1995)
Advances in Physics:
I. Goychuk and P. Hänggi, Quantum dynamics in strong fluctuating fields, Adv. Physics 54: 525–584 (2005)
P. Hänggi, Stochastic Resonance in Biology, ChemPhysChem 3: 285–290 (2002)
P.S. Burada, P. Hänggi, F. Marchesoni, G. Schmid, and P. Talkner, Diffusion in confined geometries, ChemPhysChem 10: 45–54 (2009)

Address: Institute of Physics, University of Augsburg, Germany
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